Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 4/30/2008 09:16:00 PM
hie thr..lol..soo happy cuz 2morrow holiday..haha..1 day oni..but still holiday rite?..must celebrate....wat is 2morrow..ouh ya..Labour Day..lol..it weird cuz..we r not working but still get to enjoy the holiday..lol..c how gd its 2 be a kid?..i dunno how well i did 4 my eng and hmt papers..damn scared lor..hmm..i ting the next paper is..geography..on tis friday..ouh ya..hmt no LC sia..(listening comprehension)..i wan LC larh..easy 2 score..haha..oni giv the easy one to normal mt..hmt nvr let giv score high..lol..not much larh 2 say..2day blog very short..i'll try 2 blog soon
2nd day of MYE!..
Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 4/25/2008 08:28:00 PM
ok..2day was hmt MYE paper..lol..we started the paper late then we hv 2 end the paper late..tat means..the not hmt pupils can go 2 recess while we cant go cuz the time hv not end..then rite after the paper 1..straight away nid to take paper 2..w/o recess..while the not hmt could take their time eat snd chit-chat..which is TOTALLY NOT FAIR!..took paper 2 wif an empty stomach..no energy..yawn throughout the whole time.. Paper 1..hmm..we had 2 go to 4 achieve to tak the paper..every sec hmt took the paper thr..paper 1 was the letter writing or dialoge and compo..i chose letter writing and also the compo based on a phrase..the malay would call it as "peribahasa"..its "seperti anak ayam kehilangan ibunya"..which means a chick who lost its mother..in other words..it means a group of people lost and confused of what 2 do cuz of no leader..sumting like tat larh..first time take hmt wat..cant expect much from an amature like me..Paper 2..we had 2 run back 2 class 4 paper 2..(i repeat again..we had NO break!)..lol..i hope i can make it clear...take paper 2 ..so tired..yawn and yawn like hell..nvr eat breakfast..then no recess..stomach empty..no energy 4 brain 2 function well..lol..but i can get it..i think the paper 2 was not tat diff..only the paper 1 i not confident of the malay compo..i not gd at making compo..but the letter writting was ok..lol..surprise tat i could write tat letter..the topic was hard..sumting bout how 2 make teenagers be more interested in reading newspaper..lol..went 2 the library wif Nadia..told her sorry cuz didnt go 2 the library yesterday..god the rain was soo heavy my dad wont let me go..sumting bout lightning stikes..or sumting..saw alot of sec sch ppl..saw..Azan..Haikal..Faiqah..Adib..Sara..and my pri 1 buddy!..lol..i had forgot all bout her already..and she stills remembers my name!..lol..wats worst!..i 4got 2 ask 4 her email add..shit larh!..lol..i feel so guilty..u noe..Haikal did look quite cute wif his emo-ish atitude..lol..he still wears eye-liner and his hairstyle is like the porcupine..lol..no offence..Nadia said it first!..lol..at least he went 2 talk 2 us and didnt act as if we didnt exist..lol..his cute..but Nadia says his not..lol..diff ppl hv diff taste..haha..and Haikal if u r reading tis..lol..jk k?..lol..had loads of fun..went back i ting at around 5pm...okies..no more exams coming up soon..just 1 week break then more exams..lol..i wonder y they nvr juz give the whole thing at one shot then everyting will b finish..easy ritez?..but i ting the teachers r giving students hu didnt study 2 study during the 1 week break..lol..giv alot of chance one..ltr 'O' levels no chance leh..start now larh..then they will learn from their mistakes..
Thursday, April 24, 2008 @ 4/24/2008 01:45:00 PM
hey thr..2day is the mye english..not tat diff..but i think i made a ENORMOUS mistake..u noe english got paper 1 and 2 rite?..well..in paper 1, u hv 2 write 1 compo and 1 letter rite?..well its the letter..my english teacher gave us notes to study and one of them is the format for letter writing..;ast nite..i read the paper and memorize the format..2day..everything was perfect until my friend said tat she made paragraphing and she started the letter like tis: Dear grandmother, How are you? I hope you are feeling better after the accident. Everybody back home is worried sick after they heard what happened....
But i wrote like tis..:
Dear grandmother, How are you? I hope you are feeling better after the accident.everybody back home is worries sick after the heard what happened.....
the thing is..i did paragraphing but i only did not leave 2 finger spacing..y didnt i leave 2 finger spacing?..cuz the notes says thrs no nid to leave..tats y..i m worried tat i m wrong and the teachers will reduce my marks 4 wrong formating..
2morrow is hmt paper..damn scared..first time in my life taking hmt..i wonder y i wasn't qualified 4 hmt in pri sch..i had good grades..but my pri sch standard is very high..tat y thrs onli a few pupils taking hmt in my pri sch..but i can do it..wen get psle reasults..the government even recomended me to take hmt..n now here i m..freaking out..lol..
im going out wif nadia 2 the wlds library ltr at around 4.30pm..sumting bout cannot do her maths and asking me 2 teach her..well i've got hw 2..so we'll be studying in the library ..maybe i'll blog again after i come back from the library..if i hv time..i still nid 2 study 4 hmt paper..
LOL..long time nvr blog..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 4/23/2008 08:18:00 PM
hmm..how long since the last time i blogged?..lol..23-14=9!..god..lol..okok..here's wad happen the last 9 days..i didnt hv time 2 blog partly because of the D&T project..we have 2 make a display system..which is basically a structure 2 display stuff..with only 2 wooden pieces and 2 acrylic pieces..lol..my group did on Australia..we did 2 structures..1 wooden..1 acrylic..i'll upload the pic of the structures wen i get it k?..i noe u r soo confused..soo 2day was the deadline..and luckly my group finish it in time..and we also nid 2 do a summary board..but tat 1 pass up next wednesday..another reason is..the EXAMS!..the mid-year exam(mye) is juz around the corner..and im soo damn scared..2morrow is english..i ting larh..i ting i'll study after blogging..man..i dun noe if i like ncdcc anymore..i dunno wat is wrong wif my foot drill..nobody said anithing wrong bout it..so i tot it was alrite..but both of the sirs say it is not and they didnt tell me wat was i weak in..i wasnt chosen 2 be in the ndp parade cuz of at..but sir said if i can be better than the 10 chosen ones..then thrs a chance 4 me 2 replace 1 of them..but i honestly think tat thrs no chance..u've got 2 make the best first impression..and if u failed the first time..thr'll be lesser chance u'll succed the next time..but i believe in my sir..both of them..and i will do better in my footdrill..wish me good luck!..ouh ya..thr'll be another test 4 ncdcc..but tis one is on first aid..and its a veri long chapter..trust me..wen i say its veri long..i mean its VERY long..and wats worst..sir said of i cant pass tis test i cant become Lance Copral..and if i dun become Lance Copral..i can tbe IC..ouh man..honestly..its a real burden..sumtimes i ting i made the wrong mistake of choosing ncdcc..wen i could choose volleyball..at least i was chosen 4 it..and NOT all was chosen..and wif Syazwan and big brother thr..thr'll be expecting alot from me..big brother is IC..and Syazwan is oredi one of the highest ranking cadet THAT IS CURRENTLY AN EVG STUDENT..(no offence sir)..then wad am i?..if i dun become IC..ppl will say i bring shame to the both of them..ouh man..im really worried..but i dun wan juz because of them i could become an IC..but i didnt want 2 dissapoint them either..ARGH!..i m soo confused!..hmm..niwaes..sumting shocking happened..my lit teacher is actually nice..shocking huh?..lol..i dunno..but wen my mum called her and told her wat happened..she was willing 2 help me wif my lit..man..i am feeling soo guilty 4 acusing her..man..at least she didn see my blog..phew!..i really am sorry..but at least i hv confidence in passing my lit..i still dun hv any real frends tat i can trust yet..( u noe wad i mean Nadia..i told u b4..)..i dunnoe y is it taking such a long time..is it me?..or is it them?..i wan frends but i juz cant seem 2 find the ones tat i can trust..well at least i hv Syafiqa (1 Itg) and Izzatie (1 Res)..but they r not in the same class wif me..so i dun usually hv anybody 2 partner up wif..in assembly..after recess..or even after school..
Syafiqa..(sorry if i spelt it wrongly)..have the same PE lesson wif me..so everytime i run the 2.4km..i can run wif her..and she is my partner 4 the conversational chi classes..Izzatie usually sits wif me during recess wif Erleny..(again, sorry if i spelt it wrongly)..so at least im not lonely all the time..except its most of the time..
nvm..life's like tat..sumtimes ur up..sumtimes ur down..and nowadays..im alwys in a down mood..i wan to be up..but reality wont let me..i wish reality would go away and leave me alone..but w/o reality..i would not noe the true meanings of life..ok larh..i'll end it here..
thx 2 Nadia 4 being soo 'patient' waiting 4 the latest blog..lol..i'll try to update it as soon as i can k?..it really depends on how life goes..i cant really control it..ehk?..its MY LIFE rite?..so i can control it..but how?..hmm..
I'm Such In A Happy Mood..=D
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 4/14/2008 07:26:00 PM
im sorry i didn't blog 4 the last 2 days..im soo busy..here's wat happen 2day!..lol..yesterday do literature punishment until like 10pm..wan sleep but need 2 write 4 more compo..lucky my big bro help rite 1 and 1/2 of the compo then i can sleep peacefully..do u ever wonder wen u wake up..u feel like u juz slept?..and u feel so tired and sleepy wen u wake up..i wan go 2 sch..im starting to look forward 2 sch nowadays..but i hate the feeling of waking up..i hope somone could invent sumting tat could let u not fell tat horrible feeling wen u wake up eveytime..haizz..i noe if the feeling is gone..more children would LOVE 2 go 2 sch..U NOE WAT??..tat damn teacher nvr come 2day..she made it clear yesterday tat she wans the 10 compo and the warning letter by morning assembly..and she's the form teacher of 1 Aspire and im 1 Achieve..so every morning must see her taking attendace of her class..but 2day she's nower 2 be seen..**** larh..yesterday rite like crazy..hand wan drop off..but nvr..lolz..2day ran 2 rounds outside 4 p.e..i went above minimum timing..which means i failed..i noe..i hv long legs..but i juz cant seem 2 run long distance..and u noe wat the teacher said?.."..more than 70 of u failed..and most of u aren't fat!.."..can u imgaine tat?..he's like insulting the fats ones and also the ones hu r not..god..come on..im tall doesn't mean im fit rite?..see i told u being tall is no fun..ppl easily take advantage of u..and u wont like it one bit..sigh..D&T lesson was fun..we finish the wooden struture last week oredi..today do acrylic struture..very fun..only she was still tooo dramatic..Mr Loy said she looks, behaves and talks like an old grandmother..but in a gd way..y can't Mr Loy juz say it like the way he really feels?..i noe he feels like he wants 2 kick her ass 4 talking 2 much..lol..i noe i shouldn't say tat..but i juz hv the feeling she juz way over 2day..and i dun like it..u might ask y cant i juz tell her how i feel bout her rite?..cuz..she has most of the sch as her friend..and wen i talk bad bout her..most of the sch would think im a mean person..which im not!..and i certainly dun wan making a scene..juz waiting for 2morrow to paint and decorate the wooden sculpture with Jia En..lol..today go Nisa's house 2 do history project..lolz..juz stepped out of sch oredi raining..and we had 2 cross the street to get 2 her house..lol..got wet larh!..lots of fun..haha..and Nisa's mum makes the best fried noodles and fries the best nuggets in the world!!..lol..she even let us bring some back home as souvenirs..lol.. jkjk..but she really did let us bring some back home..god..was it delicious!..the two Rosliyana cant come..so only me, Nisa, Nadhirah and Farahin..boy..we wer having lots of fun until we didnt realised it was 5.30pm..lol..lucky mum didnt scold me wen i get back home...i had no curfew but htrs an unwritten rule tat u hv to get back at least before 6.30pm..unless u hv a really valid reason..hmm..havnt do my hw..i ting i will so it after tis..i oso dunno wat got wad hw 2 do..lol..im sorry 4 those who finally get 2 chat wif me 2day..u noe y..and im glad tat Nadia's not angry at me and she's finally could chat wif me..lolz..cheers to Nadia!..
I Need Somebody 2 Help Me..But Nobody Cares..Nobody Even Cares 2 Try..
Friday, April 11, 2008 @ 4/11/2008 07:33:00 PM
Im sorry guys but i cant chat wif u 2day..u might wanna noe why..so read on..if u even care 2 read..y is my life so horrible?..do u noe wen its one of the days wen u make one minor mistake and the rest of ur day is planned 2 be a horrible one?..well tat day is 2day..i thought 2day was gonna be a very proud moment 4 every NCDCC cadet..but it seems i dun really feel tat way 2day..i dunno why..but i dun really feel like im having the NCDCC sprit in me 2day..yes, i noe i must feel proud but its just not in me..it started out wif the NCDCC Day parade..it was totally out of track..wat we practised all tis while was not done 2day..u wanna noe why?..cuz, first, the rain..it started getting gloomy and the lightning thingy, tat was juz installed, ruins everything..we had 2 do everthing fast so tat we could get out of the rain faster..so, the NCDCC Day message was not said..and all the commands were given at the wrong time..and all of us wer confused..its nobody's fault it rained 2day..n wats worst..it didnt not rain tat much..and tats wer it all started..and of course at literarure lesson..nid to do a 1 page no leaving a line reflection on foolscape on why i did not bring my dictionary..and oso to go detention..how bad was tat?..juz cuz of dictionary..u hv 2 go detention..but lucky teacher change her mind and told us 2 copy a composition 10 times instead of goin DC..then..i talk wif my frend oso nid 2 write a 1 page no leaving a line reflection on why i talked wif my frend..which is sooo damn stupid..tat's it!..i had enough of tis..i gave up trying 2 pleased sec sch teachers already..they juz dunno how hard it is to get used to being a sec sch student nowadays..not juz cuz of hw..but making and getting along wif frends is hard enough..and the problems wif teachers makes it all worst..its lucky i can keep my grades up..if not tat will b another problem 4 me..but wif these problems..i dun ting i can keep holding on..soon..my grades will go down..and worst..i will hv 2 go NA stream..then i dunno wat to do..maybe i'll juz slack in sch..training is ok..except for some hu didnt wear the uniform properly..and pumpings was wat we did..i dun get it..wen will the day wen we dun get 2 do pumpings or any kind of punishments come?..hey..i juz remembered..wen we wer goin 2 go hm..few of the NCC cadets scolded bad words to NCDCC although we didnt say anything 2 them..i didnt hear wat they say but..it seems tat they really wer rude..and boy was i shocked wen *Mr Chong shouted really loudly wen some of us told him..the 2 sec 1 NCC cadets wer scolded in front of us and they wer being shouted at their face..i was really scared tat time..i was really thankfull i was not in their place..the teachers shouted right in front of their faces and 1 of them had the guts 2 drink..god..all the CCAs tat wer goin on stopped abruptly wen they heard Mr Chong shouted and went 2 see wat was goin on..all the higher ranking NCC cadets and teachers-in-charge went 2 see wat was goin on wen they saw their sec 1 cadets being scolded..i nvr saw Mr Chong tat way b4..it was juz so scary..even my fiercest pri sch teacher couldnt beat tat..Mr Chong would talk 2 us really nicely and his voice is really soft..i noe he was last time from UG..but i nvr expected him to be like tat..wow..i admit..i was really scared..man..im not sure wat happen 2 them after tat cuz mum came 2 fetched us ..but im sure they didnt have a gd time..tat incident really made NCC's name go down..it was such a shame we hv ppl in tis world..my advise(or is it advice?)..respect other ppl if u want other ppl 2 respect u..and if u dun wan 2 respect other ppl then u r not fit 2 be respected.. *He is the teacher in charge of sec 1 NCDCC cadets (i tink).. im really sorry guys..especially 2 Nadia and Filiah hu tried 2 chat wif me..and figure out wat was wrong..but i really hv no mood..again..im very sorry..
lol..training like hell..but had loads of fun!..
Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 4/10/2008 05:59:00 PM
waaahh..2morrow is NCDCC Day!..sooo nervous..here's wat happen 2day..
sch was ok larh but i forgot 2 bring my medicine..so i only eat 4 tablets..hmm..geo test was ok..except 4 the last ques..i sure get wrong..thr goes my 2 marks..*sigh*..after sch straight go home..then 2.45pm came back to sch 4 training..
lol..wen i stepped in2 sch..saw the rest falling in..tot i was late..then i saw the clock..only 2.30pm..and falling in time ws 2.45pm..lol..lucky sia..4 a sec thr i tot we wer all gonna do pumping cuz of my tardiness..
training was fun..except for the 2 times half-right postion..encik was soo funny..lol..im getting the hang of marching oredi..the only thing is..i donno how to stop..lol..its the same as the 1st time riding bikes..u learn how 2 paddle but u dunno how to brake..lol..
sir told us tat we wer gonna wear the full uniform 4 the whole day..and guess wat?..thrs still training after sch..cuz its Friday!.. man..then we'll be learning 4 our 2nd badge..the first-aid badge..
i ting it will be wif NCO Aidil and NCO Suhairi..lol..reminded me of the 'kiwi' incident..look at my cbox..so many fruits..lol..Nadia dun start an event here..lol..lets continue tat fruit thighy..i oso wan 2 join leh!..haha..
man..Syazwan go and tell the whole squad tat im his cousin 4 wat?!..lol..no offence if ur reading this Syazwan..but seriouly.. embarrassing much!..lol..and Suhairi sir say ur face not the same as mine..of course larh not the same..parents not same wat?..his face oso not same wif Istiana wat?..lol..no offence oso..but seriously..i was soo blushing tat time..
lol..i owe Suhairi sir $2..well in fact..all the girls owe him $2..haha..Mdm go buy hairnet for us but she no money so she lend Sir..so indirectly we owe sir $2..
we dunno how 2 fold the sleve of the jacket so we go 2 sch wif the sleves unfolded which is going 2 be akward!..we oso dunno how 2 poke the hole into the barret..so at sch sir will teach us all..he oso said to correction tape the name tag on our uniform..which is strange..although we dun hv the actual name tag yet..but maybe tats the best way..i dunno larh!..sir say juz folo..
worst still..sec 1 hv 2 fall in at 6am!!..i normally go out of the house at 6.30am.. lol..how 2 survive?..ltr the parade half-way sleep cuz the NCDCC Day speech is 2 long..lol..hope not..
hope still tat boy wont make a mistake..ahh..u noe tat boy.._ _ _ _..whose name starts wif a D..alarh..tat orange house shirt boy..so many training days nvr come..of course larh all the command cannot do correctly..pumping oso cannot do..lol..i wonder wat will happen 2 him wen he gets older?..lol..
2 More Days To NCDCC Day!..
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 @ 4/09/2008 07:59:00 PM
Yesterday Night...went 2 the doctor's cuz my throath hurts a lot..guess wat?..i was soo totally rite!..thrs a stubborn piece of bone that was poking through my flesh inside my throath..the doctor took out a very long scissors and pulled the bone out..and boy was it painfull!..The doctor gave me some medicine..the medicine is one tablet form and one liquid form..the tablet is anti-biotics..nid take 3 times a day..2 tablets each time..after food..to heal the scar left by the bone and oso 2 prevent infections..then the liquid is to gurgle..3 times each day..man..tats alot of work..lol..Today..lol..tiring sia today..haha..after sch nid to stay back cuz of NCDCC training..but i forgot bring the 1.5l water bottle..so i had 2 rush home..its lucky i hv conversational chinese..cuz if late teacher wont scold..lol..btw..Mr Li did not come..his frend replaced him..and its a girl..lol..had loads of fun..after that..got training..some nvr bring p.e shirt..then do training wif uniform..some come late..so everybody had to do pumping..lame larh..ouh ya..we dun call sir, "sir" anymore..we call them encik..which is lower ranking..i dunno y..but brother said..they giv wrong info..the rank Warrant Officer (WO) is suppose 2 be "encik" not "sir"..lol..at least they get 2 feel how gd it is 2 be called "sir"..learned the foot drill 4 dismissal..i dun get the command but its sumting like"....squad bersurai!"..then we turn right, bang, salute and march while shouting "NCDCC!"..lol..i still dunno how 2 march properly yet..brother says the mistake is obvious..but sir or mdm nvr say anything so i keep quiet lor..man..dad was not at home..so he couldn't fetch us from sch..had 2 go back alone..leg pain..stand under hot sun 4 sooo long!..then summore got take medicine..then got very sleepy..thrs one time the sir asked us 2 stand very still for 3 mins..but Shaheera..(sorry i dunno how 2 spell it)..nearly fainted..yup..she said she started seeing white and the last thing she remember was she was sitting on the ground and her head hurts..lol..nvr fainted b4..so i dunno how it feels..the sun was juz 2 hot..man..tat was pure torture!..really getting excited ..cant w8 for Friday..ouh ya!..Friday is International Friendship Day..i wonder if the NCDCC Day has sumting related to it..cuz they fall on the same day..hmm..waaaah..Friday hv to wear full uniform leh..i ting sir will tell us more bout it 2morrow..all i noe is tat from morning till afternoon hv 2 wear the full uniform..gosh..i hope i can survive..(honestly..im hoping to survive 2morrow first..)lol..its UG..wat do you expect?..u hv to bear the consequenses if u join UG..but u can get alot of CCA points..lol..nvm..its only for NCDCC Day..GO NCDCC!.YEAH!
The Big Surprise..!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @ 4/08/2008 06:49:00 PM
.jpg) .jpg) .jpg) hey thr guys.. u might hv heard i was talking bout some big surprise..lol..even Nadia was soo excited..first of all im soo sorry i couldn't publish tis surprise earlier..cuz of some technical problems wif my com and oso lots of hw.. i wonder y ur soo eager bout?..lol..if tis surprise doesn't surprise u then im sorry then..cuz its a major change in me..well friends from my school noes bout it cuz they saw it of course..but they're not surprise cuz they dun noe what this change really meant to me..*sigh*.. niwaes.. do u guys remember that i said i love my hair sooo much and tat wouls nvr ever cut it?..well guess wat..i cut it!..lol..u might wanna noe why..as u noe..my cca is NCDCC..and its an uniform group..so hv to keep everything neat..as my hair is really, really long..i decided to cut it..well, it will grow again rite?..lol..gonna miss hving long hair.. i wonder wat it feels hving short hair..ouh my pics on top if u wanna noe how short it is..the last pic is how i tie my hair nowadays..except that i clip up my fringe sumtimes..lol..so short..i noe..so do comment on my hair..and if its not nice..do tell..but not 2 harsh k?..im still recovering from the shock i had wen i first saw my 'new' hair..lol..
Training For NCDCC Day!
Friday, April 04, 2008 @ 4/04/2008 07:34:00 PM
*sigh*..woke up on the wrong side of the bed..or as the malay say it "salah bantal"..neck pain sia..got trainig sommore..haha..got assembly 2day..about Mother Tongue Week..lots of things larh..karaoke, poetry reciting and oso a fashion parade!..Mr Jeremy Loy really look good in tat malay trditional costume..and Mr Imran oso in tat Chinese traditional constume..and oso Mdm Yati is soo gorgeous is tat Indian Traditonal costume..hahax..
waah..soo tired sia after training..first time wear half uniform in front of the whole NCDCC..learn how to wear boots and also how to tie them..(haha..finally!)..the knot is called the butterfly knot..i tink larh..well..it was confusing at first..but wif the help of mdm and also nco..i could do it..lol..1 confusing thing was tat wen the nco asked "did u kiwi ur boots?"..hahax..not typo error..its really said as kiwi..i myself oso dun understand..then he said.."ouh..i meant did u polished ur boots?"..cuz kiwi is polish..lol..
me and my friend joke bout kiwi..then we said.."why cant it be apple?..or banana?..or orange?.."..lol then we imitate the nco.."did u apple ur boots?"..then he oso laugh..lol..wow..mouth and stomach hurts sooo much from laughing..lol..*sigh*..tats why i LOVE goin NCDCC soo much..at least i can hv fun..lol..then we rehersed wat will happen on the day itself..trhs lots of things..saying the Singapore, sch and NCDCC pledge..singing the national and sch song...then after all that..we will march off the parade square..
lol..as i told u b4..some of us hvnt learnt how 2 march..excluding me!..lol..so we juz walk according to the command..*sigh*..wednesday and friday still got training..wed got conver chinese..end at 4.30pm..so i still hv to stayback sch then straight after tat got traning..waaaaah..gd rite?..then thurs is at 2.45pm..then fri is the BIG DAY!..sooo nervous.. everybody will be watching leh..scared make a mistake..
she's still over dramatic..sit beside him..as if its not rude to touch a boy..not sccidentally sia..PURPOSELY..then can take picture summore..LAME rite?..haha..tat Mr Shawn/Sean saw me drawing on my foolscape..then he ask.." Why r u not doing ur work?"..then he look at my table and said.."..sofia?"..then i said.."my name is not Sofia.."..then he laugh and said.."haha as if.."..then i noe he's a person u can joke wif..then i keep denying that my name is Sofia..then i continue drawing on my foolscape..
forgot 2 bring geo wb..lucky didnt get scolded..but nid to stand 4 next period..*sigh*..why did i take out the wb?..*sigh*..haha..tomorrow sat..see the nco again..
Wishing To Hv Better Life.. Hoping Not 2 Make Any Mistakes On Friday.. Wishing Not 2 Be More Careless..
Today got training..sooo fun!..
Thursday, April 03, 2008 @ 4/03/2008 07:31:00 PM
man..training was sooo fun today...encik and mdm was sooo fun too..too bad Hafieqa and Insyirah had Maths Remedial..if not they wuld hv fun too..well, they said that next Friday is the NCDCC Day and we hv to do footdrills on front of the whole school..well i got stage-fright juz 4 about anything..even though its not onn the stage..ok..it makes me nervous juz thinking about it..gosh!..
we learned lots of diffenrent moves for foot drills..thr is the "ke kanan lurus"..which is to spread out the correct way..then thr is the "ke kanan pusing"..which is turn to the right..i always confuse with these two commands cuz both of then hv the word "kanan"..then thr is "ke kiri pusing"..which is turn left..then got "ke belakang pusing" which is turn behind..then got "taat sedia"..(i think..)..which is for taking the pledge..then of course the command for putting down ur hand after finish the pladge...
then thr is the marching..only my group learned marching cuz the other group still has problems with the commands..well it was tough..but i soon get the hang of it..the hardest part is wen u r required to stop..the command "berhenti" is stop..and the "ti"..is suppose to be with the left leg and bang wif the right leg....but i always get it wif the right leg..and bang wif my left leg..which is sooo confusing..haizz..
tomorrow still got training..but tomorrow nid to bring the full set of uniform..everything! *sigh*..Sir says he will teach us how to wear the uniform..lol..tomorrow wear the NCDCC t-shirt and bring the heavy bag full of NCDCC stuff..waaaaaah..i look soo ugly wearing it!..but honestly..im not worried bout tat..wat im most worried is tat they will ask me to cut my hair!..i dun wan cut leh!..i love my hair soo much..do u noe how long hv i take to grow tis long?..4 years mind you..4 years..
i hope not larh..i look soo ugly wif short hair..ok..so..i do not know how will i look..but itsn't it such a waste?..oh wat the heck!..they will most likely say.."it will grow back wat?"..then i cant argue anymore cuz that is soo damn right the truth!..*sigh*..hmm..havnt do hw yet..leg tired..after training straight away sleep..hahax..after bathing the i blog..hahax..
Tired sia..real tired..
Wishing that life could be better.. Missing my Primary School friends..
I've No Mood To Do Anything Except Blog...
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 @ 4/02/2008 08:53:00 PM
think i will do my hw after i blog..man..after writing bout tat girl..i feel soo relief..she was such a pain in the neck..niwaes..now 2 blog bout the gd things..hahax..hmm..thrs tis sumone in sch..hu is sooo cute..he's tall..fair complexion..always laughs alot..hahax..*sigh*..i heard sumone liked him but im not sure..*sigh*..y must ppl get in my way?..i nvr went in their way..English lesson is now extremely boring..with tat Mr Sean/Shawn replacing Mr Shahril..i could nvr pay attention for juz one hour w/o putting my head on the table..(at least thrs one gd point..Mr Shahril bans everyone from putting their head on the table..)..the class takes advantage of his "nvr scolding" attitude..the class gets soo noisy..until i dun wan to listen to anyone..i drew things on my foolscape..Conversational Chinese was soo unforgettable! with bad words coming out from two ppl in class..it was chaotic!..wats soo funny is tat..Radhi was playing tis "Deal or No Deal" game on his hp..went he strike..he shouted "Yes!" in the middle of the bad-word-shouting-at-each-other argument..then everbody laugh..but its seriously no laughing matter..one of them was sooo angry that she threw a chair across the classroom..but Mr Li didn't saw it..*sigh*..if he did saw it..i dont noe how he would react..then thrs a young female teacher hu was from the back class..she came to our class and ask wat game r we playing..then Mr Li said "cant tell you.."..then we all said.." u playing hard to get arr?...u like her rite?.."..funny sia..then he said " wat?..every girl i talk to u say my gf.."..hahahahax..sad larh..2 more lessons only..Mr Li is fun..then Radhi got competion which translate chinese char to eng words or vice versa..hahax..Insyirah got 1st..Khairil got 2nd..sumone whom i dont noe got 3rd..Radhi didnt won cuz he got knocked out even b4 the semi-finals..hahax..at least he got courage..not like me..lol..congratz to all the winners!Wishing I Would Be More Braver...
Why is the world so cruel to me?...
@ 4/02/2008 06:22:00 PM
Why?..What hv i done to deserve tis?..its suppose 2 be a joke..its not only me hu said it rite?..u laughed at urself wen ur friends said it..y didn't u laugh wen i said it?..ur hair looks like u hv highlighted it..so i joke ..but u could not take it..u scolded me..u said i shuld mind my own buiness..i was trying to strike a conversation..at least u could hv told me u didnt like the joke rite?..y must u shout?..y?..i juz dont noe wer i belong..i juz wan tings go back the way they wer wen in my primary school..y must seconday school be sooo difficult?..y?..i wan my pri sch friends 2 be my sec sch friends..y dont they see im being left out?..i wan to be included..i dont like being an outcast..
I dont noe what other things 2 do to impress u..i juz wan to be in ur group..looks like im not qualified..*sigh*..y must u be soo mean?..setakat muke je cantik..hati kau tu yg busuk!..now i noe y i shuldn't judge a book by its cover..i noe i shuldn't say these things but im sooo angry!..it hurt my feelings juz thinking bout it..i wish i nvr knew you..i wish i nvr saw u!.. i've helped u wen u hv problems like forgetting 2 do ur hw..i've helped u by letting u copying mine..y didn't ask ur friends?..y did u ask me?..then..wen i was in trouble..u weren't thr by my side..wer were u?!..Wishing Life Would Be Better..Wishing You Wuld Appreciate Wat I've Done 4 You..