Re-decoration of the class!
Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 6/30/2008 03:38:00 PM
yesterday very bored the middle of doing my chem hw i sleep..weird rite? even my bro said he cant do tat..u noe the Sheng Siong Supermarket near the causeway goin to JB? mum said they renovated the whole shop and we went 2 see the change..i've been goin thr 4 as long as i can remember..i noe exactly wer most of the things r..but now they change everything everywer!..i dun even noe wer they shampoo is..omg..we had 2 explore the whole building 2 get every groceries on the list..
man it will really take a long time 2 remember everything everywer like last time..hmm, even the downstairs section they change..its now cleaner and more organised..they're even selling fresh if u wan REALLY fresh fish..jus catch one from the tank..very fun lor look at the fishes and crabs and shells etc. its like ur very own sheng siong supermarket underwater zoo..haha..
ouh ya..i saw Sufi wif his friends..i heard he changed house..from admiralty thr 2 here..far sia..maybe he's sec sch nearer to here..but his sisters r still at gwps me last here sch so far..quite shocked at first seeing him here..i seriously tot he's still living near gwps..well he has grown (but hu hasn't?)..he's still the same as i noe him b4..didnt talk 2 him..paiseh long nvr talk suddenly now see ea other veri embarrassing..which reminds me..i saw Yi En at the interchange..miss her and the rest of gwps..
at sch the exchange pupils from China came 2 visit..they'll be at evg until wed..very wat leh..the evg pupils stay thr more then 1 week then they stay less than 1 week..wen they were touring the sch, they took pics during our P.E lesson..funny leh..then at bio they keep passing our class very distracting sia..then we learning bout the most pathetic topic in bio..paiseh lor..i was thinking..if i had a choice, which would i choose 2 go?..China or Sarawak?..i oso dunno..i dun even noe i get a chance of goin..i mean come on..i dun thnk any teachers like me or my attitude..but hu noes?...
ouh ya..we're gonna re-decorate the class since a certain somebody think tat the n.e reps (i and adam) didnt do a gd job of decorating the class so since i hv a gd heart i will sacrifice my very busy shedule 2 do my part 4 the class..(as if i wan to be an n.e rep)..but working and being around with adam makes it all worthwhile..he's a really gd friend, really, really gd frend. haha straight after sch we went popular at causeway point 2 buy the deco..
he told everbody we knew tat we're goin steady..haha..(he's really joking)..he oso told lucas and robin..then they like 'wat the fuck?'..then we laughed..we bought alot of things leh..but i dun think its enuf..i had fun shopping wif adam..he's now my official shopping buddy..he really was grabbing everything off the shelves..haha..we really look funny..wif the calculator and the things we bought..we had to keep track of the amount of money we had left..i think we r left wif $10+..left 4 the reclcling corner..but tat will be ltr..
now we nid man and woman power to help re-decorate the im really trying to ask ppl 2 stayback n help..SO PLS PPL..STAYBACK..EVEN 4 AWHILE..i really do sound pathetic...ahh nvm..
freakiest day ever much?
Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 6/28/2008 05:12:00 PM
hey..if u came 2 read my adventures in the lift of damn-ness start reading from the last fifth paragraph cuz the rest r bout the events tat happen b4 my advenure in the lift of damn-ness..but it wuld help 2 understand reading my adventure in the lift of damn-ness cuz some probs were cuz of a few things tat happen in the beginning..yesterday's training was sooo i told you its my footdrill bronze test..its ok..and sir said everybody pass..i dunno bout if sir said everybody pass maybe dean really did pass..but tat was sooo not the tiring part..i was in the last group 2 be tested..i hate tat encik..ouh yeah..NCO aidil, NCO suhairi, and i dunno the other 2 guys..had juz been ranked up to be called 'Encik'...and they really are pushing me to my patience limit..espescially the first one..i hope if i ever become their rank..i would not be as pathetic as them..yeah IF i ever get tat rank.. so..because of tat 'Encik'..i got muscle cramps in my thigh..both of them..doin 'hentk kaki' 4 so long..but i'll get used 2 it..i hope cramps still hvnt recovered..many thx to tat 'encik'..i went 2 sch to do the newspaper collecting..we were divided into groups n i was in the same group wif and my frends got blk 866 and 865..wat i notice is tat the first few floors would not open the doors wen we ring the bell or knocked on the door but wen we went down..more ppl started giving us the recycled materials..i pitied the 'karang- guni' man cuz he and his frends were on duty thr 2 but we had taken the newspapers first..but i noe most of the ppl wants to giv the newspapers to the 'karang-guni' man cuz they can get money..i was surprise tat he could get alot of newspapers in the block wen we finish collecting in tat block..pathetic ppl..only want money..i also noe tat the residents were given papers to let them noe tat we r coming 2day so they can one house they really helped us alot..they put the things outside and left us a note..saying tat we can take the things to us time to ring the bell, w8 4 the person 2 carry out of the one house oso the door got red paint splashed..scary..sure this person borrowed money from loansharks and didnt payback..let tis be a lesson 2 everybody..but the person nvr ans the door..the facilitator said the person scared tat we r the one house oso lived tis prefect esco n his family i tink its Halim..the father come out..we didnt see him at first..but i told my frends then we said "eh?"..then the father said if we ever see him at the arcade instead of sch tell him since we recognised the prefect esco.. funny!..but they didnt giv anithing..pathetic rite? one house giv us a huge box full of things..GOD! was damn heavy and tat really didnt make my cramp feel better..(once again thx 2 the 'encik')..sigh..a the end we took some pics and went back home..i went 2 nadhirah's house and i ate lunch thr (i was really glad i ate lunch thr, u'll noe why) and hanged out in her house until 3pm..then i went back home..and tats wer the problem starts..i went in the lift, pressed the 12 button and leaned against the wall..i was thinking of taking a bath after tis..then thrs tis clanking noise and the lift went really slowly..(my lift was the old type so only got 4 main buttons, 1, 5, 9 and 12)..i started pressing the 5 and 9 button..hoping that wen the lift reached the floor it would open the door..but wen the lift slowly reached the 5th floor, it stopped but it didint open the door..then it started to move at normal speed..u might hv think tatthe problem was over and it would stop at the 12th floor and i could go back home. i tot so too but moved normally..passed the 9th floor and wen it reached the 12 floor it wen up a nearly halfway more it should hv was i scared..thrs a young malay couple outside and saw me inside the lift, stuck. they told me 2 calm down and w8..i was a bit relieved. at least help was on the way. my only worry was tat the rope would suddenly break and the lift would fall down, crashing me..ugh..juz thinking bout it makes me shiver..the guy asked me wers my house i wrote it on a piece of paper and showed him through the lift window..the girl told me 2 w8 and calm down..then noth of them dissappeared..i noe they were goin to call sombody but at least the girl could hv w8ted 2 comfort me rite? and now im really glad i ate lunch at nadhirah's but i was really thirsty.. after a few secs my big bro showed up..and i heared the guy asking is he my brother then i saw my big bro nodding. then the couple dissapeared and my bro told me 2 then..i was really tired of being told 2 w8 and it really didnt help make my cramp feel better (once again thx 2 tat 'encik')..i sat down..then my maid appeared and she laughed (frankly i felt like switching places wif her..I M HELPLESSLY STUCK IS TAT DAMN LIFT N SHE STILL HV THE CHEEK 2 LAUGH!)..PATHETIC!..then i started 2 feel sleepy..i closed and opened my eyes. then my dad came..he looked around but didnt see me..(i was sitting down) then wen he looked down then he saw was really funny seeing his expression..but i dun hv the energy 2 laugh..then Iwan came..he really cheered me he was short he couldn't see me (i told you the lift went over halfway it should hv stopped)..then i could hear him saying.."i cant see! wer is she? wer is she?"..then dad carried him to the lift window and he saw me sitting down, he smiled and waved..and i really felt better..then a man in his mid 30s or 40s came i knew he was the repair man..i heard the clanking noise again ( i was really scared i would be dropped and squashed)..then came sounds of keys..and the next thing i knew i was jumping out of the lift cuz it was high..and was drinking and glass of home, i straight away bathe cuz i really stinking up the whole place..i was really lucky the lights and fan (u noe the part of the lift wer thrs bit of air coming in) didnt turned off..i would really freaked out and faintied cuz i could hv not breathe enuf air..well thx god its over..and i really didnt wan aanithing like tat happening 2 me animore..
long time nvr blog lerh..
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 6/26/2008 04:17:00 PM
.jpg) .jpg) June hols is over lerh..nvr blog anithing over the hols..either 2 lazy or busy..u choose..well i spent 4 days and 3 night at the Aranda Country Club. had fun BBQ-ing..went 2 the wild wild the movie "congkak"..i think its scarier than "jangan pandang belakang"...way more scarier..but i think the family could have not gone through the ghostly experience if they had prepared b4 they went 2 the house they tot they 'bought' the end?..WRONG HOUSE!
nth much ever happens in the ncdcc training..then nth..the rest of the hols i either watch tv, play ps2, do homework or project, chat or play pc..quite boring huh?..i noe..mish my pri sch day i wen bowling, and saw ashikin with her cca frends..her cca is BOWLING! rite? i wish evergreen has bowling..haizz. niwaes..we talked 4 awhile b4 i went back home..
changed my bag..HSM2! mum bought it at cosway with the coupons we've been collecting..she bought my 2 bros rc cars..small ones..but it was grandpa getting sick and my grandma is really stressed..i think tats why watever small problem she makes a big fuss..i dun blame her..but u cant juz blame everyone 4 some slight prob..haizz..i cant talked bout tis topic much cuz my mum doesn't like it..i dun blame her either..
now sch reopens, its the still missin my frends and (i cant say i dun hv frends, i hv, but they're not close frends, not like the SNALES back at my pri sch) seriously lonely..this semester, they changed Mr Hafidz wif a new teacher..pathetic i say..she's the same like the rest of the teachers in the sch..pathetic..not even one teacher i like or respect thr..
now tat Mr Mohamed is no longer here..i hv dunno any teachers tat recognise my talent 4 art..i kinda mish entering competitions and either wining or losing..i still had fun..those were the gd times..but now..thrs not even an art club! could be really hard..i loved d&t but tis semester..they had 2 changed it to home was the first Radhi as a partner. god hu noes how SHE feels then. Radhi's goin 2 be my partner until the end of the year..well, he is my friend after all..
today we didnt cook..Miss Loola (HE teacher) said cooking would be next week..(excited!). all we did 2day was learning how 2 clean up after we used the utensils but it was fun..robin has tis big bro in the sch tat every (ok, maybe almost) teacher knows..its funny how every teacher says the same thing...
teacher: His face reminds me of a pupil in evg. us: (Robin's brother's name) teacher: yeah tat's him us: He is his brother! teacher: oh! no wonder their faces look so similar!
its the same everytime..ouh ya after HE, Mr Loy called 4 Gabriel, me and Hwee Teng..i actually didnt noe wats goin on..then i realised..Mr Loy holding a camera..and wat me, gabriel and hwee teng is tat wer the top 3 in its photo-taking time!..its hard posing 4 the camera..Mr Loy kept saying we hv 2 smile last we did and went 2 recess..
i dun eat much most i buy a drink at recess and a tidbit after sch..tats all..sometimes i eat lunch at home, sometimes not..i dunno why..i do things according 2 my mood..weird rite?..yeah i get tat alot.. training tis Friday..Sir said its footdrill test..nervous..i did well 4 my fire safety and first-aid (both theory and practical) and i dunno bout footdrill..and coming up next is total defence..sigh..i dun ting i can do it properly let alone pass..i hope either one of the sirs goes through the footdrill b4 the test so tat we could get the hang of it..
i bought the hannah montana mag oredi..its ok juz like the hsm mag..they gave free 3-D goggles and cuztomized my foolscape..see pics..can u spot me?..haha.. (i heard a certain someone is smoking, i dunno trying to get more info, if i can) maybe im gonna do my hw now..