very unlucky day..
Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 9/22/2008 04:37:00 PM

thrs 2 ppl i would like to curse today
lets leave it until the end..
see the photo?
swollen ankle..
sprained it at sch juz now
while playing volleyball during P.Ew
ith Nisa, Farahin, Nad and both Rosliyanas
stupid lor..
I would like to thank MY SWEETIES :)
Nisa, Farahin and Jia En
for helping me get around
i know i walk VERY slow cuz of the pain
but they very patient and walked wif me..
today at geo
Mdm Haslinda is SUPERR angry..
maybe cuz we talked a lot
but we evrytime oso talked alot wad..
y today diff?
and she shouted summore..
she's suppose to be fasting..
maybe its her red light
but no nid shout wat?
bio test is SUPERR easy..
not sure if can get 100%
but sure can pass..
the funny thing is..
the question clearly states to cicle the ans
not to put in ur own brackets..
it even underlined and bolded the word CIRCLE
Yong Han, Lucas and Nisa put brackets.
nisa was soo freaked out..
i dun ting Miss Chong will penalised marks jus for tat
Hwee Teng even funnier
she did and put brackets!
true Singaporean..
very kiasu..haha
today oso got Home Ec EOY exams
we're suppose to make a ethnic dish
from the rice and alternatives group
i was stuck wif chinese dish
we were give about half a month
to find the perfect dish
i choose 'Crispy Noodles With Seafood'
very colourfull
if i got the pic i upload it here
usually, Radhi and i share a unit
but today thrs Qory from 1Aspire to join us
so u can see 3 ppl racing against time
to cook and perfect the dish
luckily Qory started first so he ended first
so halfway, Radhi and i got half the table each..
Radhi made Lor Mai Kai
which smells sooooo GOOD!
but thrs mushroom in it
i've tasted the one wif chicken
but not wif mushroom
must be GOOD..
while cooking
Radhi kept acting as if he's on a cooking show
funny lor
he's the chef and he keep talking to himself..
i seriously wonder what in his mind..
i made a tea for Miss Loola too
she says its was really refreshing
and it helps to soothe her throath
i hope i will get more marks
big bro says his frend made
a lassi (an indian drink)
wif his main dish
he got extra marks juz for tat
after everything has settled
we packed up and went home
tats wen i realised my ankle was damn painfull
wif my heavy bags full of the utensills and extra ingredients
it didnt help
called up home
see if anyone can come down and pick me up
nobody could..
force myself to walk..
then remembered
hv to climbed the overhead bridge
to go to the bus stop in the correct way of my house
so i took the bus from the opp way
the 913 bus came and the driver (1st one to be cursed)
couldnt wait for me
i was walking as fast as i can (sprained ankle, remember?)
he horned and horned and wen i got in to the bus
the driver suddenly drove the bus..
imagine carrying a big, full and heavy bag in both ur hands
plus ur heavy school bag
while trying to tap ur ez-link card
and trying not to hurt ur sprained ankle
well, i got a seat anyway
wen i reached my bus-stop
a woman ( 2nd to be cursed)
sitting next to me
didnt want to move off tat damn seat
again, imagine carrying a big, full and heavy bag in both ur hands
plus ur heavy school bag
trying to stand up
while trying not to hurt ur sprained ankle
well got off the next bus-stop aniwaes
then you hv to walk to ur house from the a bus-stop far
again, imagine carrying a big, full and heavy bag in both ur hands
plus ur heavy schol bag
walking from a bus-stop far
while trying not to hurt ur sprained ankle
well, at least i got home safely
here im
pathetically helpless..
put some medicated oil on the 'balloon' oredi
maybe i'll blog agin ltr..