today is very fun!!
i apologise if its too long, if u don like dun read! :P
niwaes, i'll start now
woke up like 7.30am, suppose to be 8am
but iwan was like lying all over me, tat i had to move him away
then got sunlight, and then i cant sleep again
want to bathe but grandparents was in the toilet
so while waiting, packed my bag with my book and hand lotion
then i watched iwan play Club Penguin on com
( i was too noisy packing my bag until i woke him up)
then i bathe around 8.45am
got dressed and ate egg sandwich for breakfast
then i watched Go Diego Go!
iwan grabbed the remote b4 me so i had to watch it
but its quite fun learning spanish
its like Dora The Explorer, but in Animal Planet
niwaes, around 9.30am, dad came back home
( i dunno from wer) he told me to eat breakfast first
man i hate wasting energy....
i went out at 9.45am and got to Boots and Shoes
before everybody else
i like to be on time and not fashionably late
luckily, i brought my book and i was soon in Paris...
(the book wad about Paris)
man how shocked i was wen nisa surprised me
she came wif farahin (as usual)
but no ros around
ros came like awhile later (9mins late) :P
went to bishan by MRT to go Junction 8 (7 stations)
quite boring at the MRT, read my book
reached bishan and went straight to Junction 8
we went to the 4th floor, but the cinema was not open
BAD LUCK!..went to the arcade to burn out time
we played racing and i won 1st, although i nvr played b4
then we played basketball, then more racing
and more basketball, then we played the machine
tat can grab a toy and put it in the hole for you
nobody got any prize, then we took pics
after tat, we saw tat the cinema queue was
we regreted playing at the arcade
ros and i queued while farahin and nisa
went window shopping...
(as if ros and i got anything btter to do)
bought the tickets to the 1.20pm show
then we went to Mcdonalds to eat
nisa, farahin and i bought the McChicken Meal
ros bought the Fillet-O-Fish meal
ros teases us for eating the vegtables in the burger
and for buying coke, not sprite like her
in a good sort of way
(ok she really can be funny sometimes)
then ros put all her fries at my and farahin's tray
nisa was quick and moved her tray away
u wanna noe y?
cuz ros couldnt finish her fries..
then ros put a bit of her sprite on her tray
then nisa put a bit of coke on ros's sprite
causes a cool swrily effect..
we are juz very weird, i cant even imagine
anyone dating weird girls like us...
after eating, we walked around Junction 8
while waiting for the show
thr was one MiniMelts machine or somthing
ros wanted to buy one
but she didnt hv coins
so she tried her $2 notes
the machine didnt even wan to take the note in
wen nisa tried, the note went in but went out back
we laughed soo much, in the end ros didnt buy it
then we go back to the cinema, to buy the food to eat inside
man the queue was SUPERR DAMN LONG
but not as long as the ticket queue
at least this one has 2 counters
man we were panicking as it was nearly 1.20pm
i bought the food first, then ros, then nisa and farahin
ros bought the Halloween Set
she got a pumpkin as her popcorn bucket
went to room 4 and we waited for the show to start
there was alot of advertisments and we regretted rushing
when the show starts, everything got dark
man it would be SUPERR SCARY
if we were watching a scary movie
during the movie, thr was some funny parts
could hear nisa and farahin trying not to laugh
but they were doing a bad job :P
wanted to laugh too!!
ok laughed enuf oredi
and my legs were numb
after the movie, we went to the toilet
farahin spilled a bit of cheese on her shirt
then ros was laughing like crazy
i was laughin too, at ros's laughing
then farahin, obviously embarrased,
saw popcorn on ros's t-shirt
she also laughed like crazy
then ros pai seh oredi.. :P
then we go back MRT station
to go back CP
went to the wrong side of the MRT
go up bsck, then go down the other side
:) :) :) :)
ouh ya
u remeber the pumpkin bucket ros got?
she kept it, and since it was soo paiseh
walking around wif a plastic pumpkin
she covered it with her jacket,
every now and then, we would tease her bout the pumpkin
:D :D :D :D
wen reach CP, we went to TZ
and go to Jewela to take pics
too bad no scirors to cut the pics
awwww, maybe next time
then we walked around CP until our legs were very tired
around 6pm then we go home
i reached home around 6.15pm
the first thing dad asked wen i opened the door
was " why are you very late?"
no "hello!", no "are you tired?", no "did you have fun?"
nothing. juz "why are you very late?"
u tell me how can i be happy in this kind of enviroment?
well, after i changed my clothes,
i continue reading the book
but i fell asleep cuz it was SOOO BORINGGGG
man, my stomach is grumbling again
i didnt eat dinner cuz my maid is cooking
do u wanna noe wad she cooked?
sweet n sour prawns (allergic)
fried cow's heart (hate it)
and white rice (sigh...)
its alwys the same thing everyday..
man i'd wish she would take some cooking lessons
wat did she learn at her agency?
F****** agency..
make my life soo misreble
ouh ya, HSM3 is great!
i juz love Ryan Evans aka Lucas Grabeel
tat will explain the pic above!!
isnt he CUTE?
ok then i gtg