Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 11/29/2008 06:26:00 PM
ouhkays, today got my hands ORANGE BABY! painted my big bro's room all afternoon tiring yes, but its SUPERR DUPERR FUN-TASTIC!
juz read nisa's blog. APPARENTLY, NISA'S JEALOUS OF MY BRO *orange's her fav colour
iwan did help painting too, but in the end he help bring water and popcorn for us HAHA! :) GOSH! he's only 7 and he can dye his hair? ITS ORANGE BABY! working hard to make his room nice.big bro on ladder. hope it doesnt fall!
dad..on a chair..wearing PURPLE shorts*sigh* first half finished!
everybody's on break. room very empty.
since big bro's room is nearly finished my turn should be coming soon! i dunno wat colour seyy. WAD BOUT PURPLE?
haha, dun freak out farahin, juz kidding niwaes, farahin's room is oredi purple so thrs no point painting my room purple if it doesnt make her jealous..
IM NOT TAT MEAN OK? kidding here. but im still not gonna paint it purple NOT A FAN OF PURPLE.. HMMMMMMM... how bout blue? light sky blue for my room?
niwaes, im going out later if i hv time and mood then i'll blog agian
@ 11/29/2008 01:46:00 PM
im not sick oredi. well except tat i still hv running nose running nose. i wonder how my nose would be like if it was walking ok i noe RANDOMNESS! haha. walking nose.
niwaes, mum would be back from work any time now not to worry. she doesnt hv anything against me ok im being mean.
niwaes, my bro is getting his room painted! u noe wat colour? ORANGE! NISA, DUN FREAK OUT! haha. well only the top half is painted orange the bottom half is still the old colour, dark green
they hv started painting oredi the whole house smells like paint UNFORTUNATELY, sitting next to the window doesnt help why cant he buy the odourless paint?
iwan is helping out too. GOD. he's making a mess out of eveything who could blame him? he's juz 7.
heard dad on the phone mum coming back a BIT late TUPPERWARE stuff to handle he sounded annoyed. GOD. i hope he's not angry wif mum
niwaes im bored. going to TAG ppl blog.
@ 11/28/2008 09:08:00 PM
GOD. I LOVE YOU GUYS. ok, i know random. niwaes, today, i watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix i've seen it before but i juz had the 'want-ness' to see it again. Random huh? well better get use to it guys cuz today is all bout RANDOMNESS.
went to youtube and randomly watched videos from the Jonas Brothers to Miley Cyrus to Twilight to Harry Potter
and you know what? I HV READ A VERY BAD NEWS in youtube! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is coming to cinemas on 17 July 2009! see this.. its sick isnt it? ok well maybe im sick tats why but its a whole lot of crap. and twilight is replacing harry potter on 21 November STUPID CRAP.
u know the funny thing is tat i've been so obessing twiligth so much tat i forgot bout the harry potter series GOD. miss seeing tom's face
i also heard tat draco is ordered to kill dumbledore by voldemort, BUT he couldn't znd snape killed dumbledore instead. Draco is actually very nice and his mother soedn't want him to be part of the death eaters thingy. he has no choice but to follow his father..
RAMDOMNESS. again. niwaes, if u hv seen the video it says tat the writers hv gone on strike and thrfores delays the release date
why should J.K Rowling stike wen she's a millionare? CRAP. i mean if she's not making money out of the movie then i cant stop her to go on strike. BUT isnt she making loads of bucks?
heard sumwer tat most of her story parts are not in the movie. it might not be true but if it is then its STUPID. i mean, the book is like 600+ pages how is the director suppose to make 600+ paged book to a 1 and half hr ++ movie? CRAP.
niwaes thrs still a good side to this it says tat it will make more money during tat time next year. well its not like the money goes to us overall, to HP fans, its still a bad news cuz they cant see it earlier. well, at least its not cancelled.
yeah well, hope u HP fans are taking it easy
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 11/27/2008 01:37:00 PM
OMG! im freaking out right now! okok, im sure u hv heard by now thrs a new vampire movie tat has been released into the cinemas but not YET in singapore.
i don usually do this unless the movie SUPERR AWESOME or..thrs a CUTE new guy starring in tat movie.
ok he's not exactly NEW to the cameras and im sure u hv seen him sumwer or read sumthing bout him.
YEAH HIM! this, my friend, isRobert Pattinson who plays as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire yeah, harry potter and the goblet of fire! robert plays as one of the four championsin the triwizard tournament, but murdered by Voldemort in the end.
but now, the movie is not bout harry potterits bout Twilight! YES TWILIGHT! the vampire movie now wer hv we seen tat CUTE face?*the boy i mean, not the girl* personally, i dont think the girl is tat beautiful she looks soo..i dunno.. YES! tat CUTIE is Robert Pattinson!as Edward Cullen the GOOD vampire. *i dont even know thrs such things as GOOD vampires*and the girl is Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan a chief police daughter whoose in the same school as Edward it says the movie is in theaters on 21 November 2008 but i dont know wen is it going to Singapore GOD. i want to see the movie! WEN THE HECK ARE THEY COMING TO SINGAPORE?!
haha. okok. most of u are wondering why i didnt blog for the last two days well, my answer to that ques is tat I WAS SICK! SUPERR DUPERR SICK! GOD. i donno who i caught it from nobody's been sick in my house and i hvnt been out lately so this SICKNESS is soo RANDOM!
niwaes, watched Bolt on the internet literally cried at the end of the movie the studio burning down part onwards (for those who hv seen the movie) GOD. lucky big bro and iwan are playing ps2 inside
ok i gotta go bathe bb! :) :) :) :)
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 11/24/2008 08:07:00 PM
i have the most SUPERR great news! this evening, my dad went through the letter box. thr was a letter addressed to me. very rare ocassion. i scanned the letter to let you see i bet u can only see 'EDUSAVE schalarship', rite? i tried enlarging it but it made the letter blurry
so thr, ok wait, i love u guys so much i type the letter hereok? i noe u love me back too. :)
--------------------------------------START OF LETTER-------------------------------------- November 17, 2008
I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Edusave Scholarship 2008 for achieving excellent reasults. The Scholarship is awarded to the top 10% of students
2 You will receive a certificate and an award voucher presented by the Adviser to MARSILING GRASSROOTS ORGANISATIONS. I would like to invite you and your parents to the presentation ceremony to be held at:
Date/Time : SUNDAY, 28 DECEMBER 2008, 09:00 AM
3 Please wear your school uniform for the ceremony and arrive 45 minutes earlier for registration and confirmation of your seating with this letter. we look forward to welcoming you and your parents.
4 Kindly note that this will be the only presentation ceremony held and all uncollected cheques will be returned to the Ministry of Education.
5 For enquiry, please contact MARSILING Constituency Office dunring business hours at Telephone 63656911
(This is a computer generated letter. No signature is required.)
Note: Your seat no. is ---------
School Name : (3623) EVERGREEN SECONDARY SCHOOL Level/Class : SEC 1/E2 Ident-No :S--------
--------------------------------------END OF LETTER-----------------------------------------
as u can see im not telling you my address, seat no. and BC no. PRIVATE INFORMATION OK?
here's more information i got from the net the top 5% will get $500, the next 5% will get $300 (of each level, not stream) AWESOME NEWS ISNT IT?
i noe some of u wont care but hey, its my blog if u hate it leave it then! like DUH? ok i think my mum is angry at me for using the com for too long OK IM SORI I LIED. I JUZ WAN TO END OFF KAYS BYE!
@ 11/24/2008 06:36:00 PM
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! wen to sch for interact club meeting wore my blue sweater over my uniform DAMN COLD IN THE MORNING. not a morning person as u can see
reached sch like bout 9.40am see canteen. only hockey boys. no interacters saw the board. the one with the next year's sec 2 classes guess wat? I AM NOT IN 2 ASPIRE! u wanna noe wat clas am i in? I AM IN 2 COMMITMENT! surprised? me too. but. it is stated tat 2 asp, ach, res and itg is mixed ability and. 2 cmt is the TOP 41 pupils!
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OK FEELING SUPER HYPER RITE NOW! anyway, went to CO room for the meeting saw the board members but didnt go in cuz wont you be paiseh if u juz walk in to a room full of ppl higher ranking than you? exactly how i felt.
i walk straight, hoping to go down through the spiral staircase but then. heard sumone sHouting my name GOD. i knew tat voice. Farizmi. in my head i was like "DAMN!" why must he hv SUPERR sharp eyes and SUPERR lightning mind? niwaes, turned back and walk towards him he was like pretending to be angry. so obvious.
he said sumting like "Why you run away? u see oredi dun wan go in? u think i nvr see is it?" I Did Not Run. xue er was thr too she was laughing at Farizmi for being an idiot cant help to laughing too. GOD. he can be SUPERR funny sumtimes. and SUPERR cute. OMG. U DID NOT JUZ READ TAT!
waited for other ppl to come then we play games BANG BANG. Interact Rocks. Monkey See Monkey Do. and other games i forgot. SUPERR FUN. mouth got sore from laughing so much GOD. cant wait for interact camp on 4-6 december, 1pm - 3pm
went home at 12pm went to the shop buy Chips More! and peach aloe vera drink then reached home blogged all afternoon
@ 11/24/2008 05:31:00 PM
*Sunday, 23 November 2008*
SUPERR DUPERR BORINGGG! no kayaking today. wanna noe why? go read the post below
cant wait. 2morrow got interact meeting wanna get out of this BORINGG house and also, heard rumours tat the clas lists for next year are out! cant wait to see wat class im in! i wan go 2 Aspire. i wanna be top 41 pupils
ok sounding like a spoilt brat niwaes, can sumone entertained me or sumthing? send me email or play online games wif me? GOD. IM BORED.
im like trying to upload my cuzzin's picture but the loading is SUPERR DAMN LONG. the worst part is tat its juz one pic! GOD. IM FRUSTRATED.
ok tis might be kinda random but i juz remembered tat during the primary sch racial harmony day celebrations we hv to dress up in our ethnic costumes rite? then during mother tongue period, we will go to a certain room to study, well, our mother tongue languages rite?
during those days, i was sitting beside a boy then on this particular racial harmony day, i wore my light blue vietnamese dress, u noe wat tat boy wore? light blue baju kurung! GOD. ppl tot we planned to wear light blue damned paiseh. but i liked it. he was kinda cute.. but he's short..but he's cute.. ok enough..i wonder how's his life rite now?
well i gtg bathe MIBAL after dinner or bathing if big bro doesnt play GUNZ in between
@ 11/24/2008 04:58:00 PM
its as though thrs wind blowing god i was lucky thr was no wind NICE RITE? plaited! very short though SMILE!
*Saturday, 22 November*
cant go religious class monthly girl thingy dont understand can get lost ok im sorry, dun get lost continue reading niwaes, didnt go out remember cuz i spent whole day reading book but havnt finish, getting exciting after every page detective book, wat do you expect? niwaes, played ps2 after dinner finished 'Bratz Girls Really Rock' and i hated it, prefered the 'Bratz Diamondz' and 'Bratz Movie' trying to collect the rest of the games i dunno if they r still selling the games ok getting boring rite? i noe.. today and tomorrow was supposed to be exciting but i dunno why they cancel the 1 star kayaking course wait, i dun think they cancel big bro said they postponed it until next year long.. see the pics?
experimenting wif my hair its not long oredi so i tried to tie nicely really bored then..
@ 11/24/2008 03:11:00 PM
god he treats it like his home! OMG aint i cute??
cant really see mum at the back. OK TIS IS SUPERR DUPERR CUTE RITE?
Me and Iwan! :)
Iwan's helmet is really funny
man, i hate this polar bear..
they look so fun playing wif fake snow :)
i seriously think my jacket was too big at the Icy bar..i think the table is real ice *Friday, 21 November 2008*
i dont remember much but i dont i dont think we went out on friday so thrs nothing much to say
scanned finish the snow city pics oredi they are bought wif conplementary paper frame 14 pics altogether SUPERR NICE RITE?
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 11/22/2008 02:16:00 PM
green reindeers? wer else could u see tat? outside the locker room, Iwan SUPERR CUTE in red helmet in car goin home after 1hr of fun feeling superr damn cold then me and Iwan. SUPERR CUTE RITE?
first off, i wanna say im sorry cuz i stopped blogging after wednesday it was raining, in my house we hv a rule wen thr is thunder and lightning, u hv to close the com so it was raining heavily Saturday so i hope u'll understand ok lets start from thursday
*Thursday, 20 November 2008*
yupp, tats rite! and its SUPERR DUPERR COLD! god i'll nvr underestimate snow again but its fake snow rite? i wonder how the real snow feels like
aniwaes, we were not allowed to bring in our cameras inside it will ruin their business as the staff are the ones taking the pics then we hv to pay for the pics..stupid idea if i hv the time i will scan the pics then i upload it here k?
so after snow city, we went back home and rest in the evening, we went to picked up dad from work and sent mum to Great World City (GWC) for her staff dinner me, Iwan, big bro and dad went to Habour Front it was juz to walk awhile then i and iwan bought KFC and we ate at some hawker center wif dad and big bro
then we go back to GWC and go to the Best electronics shop hanged around thr, u wanna noe the best part? thrs a place outside the shop wer thrs a TV for kids to watch while their parents shop, thrs even a Bob The Builder mat for sitting! spent 1 hr+/- watching Teen Titans and Fantastic 4 on Cartoon Network ok feeling awkward rite now.. :) :) :) :)
after mum finished her dinner, we went down orchad road to see the christmas deco and lights SUPERR DAMN NICE! then we go back home
@ 11/22/2008 12:53:00 PM
*Wednesday, 19 November 2008*
today we planned to go snow city but big bro got soccer practice so we postponed it to tomorrow
i spent my whole day reading a book titled 'Shoe Addicts Anoymous' SUPERR FUNN! :) its about four friends with a common shoe size who come together every tuesday to trade shoes and share their problems
HOW SUPERR COOL IS THAT? i wonder how its like to hv a feet that fits any type of shoe?
dad wanted to go JB after dinner he went to sch to fetch big bro from his soccer practise i and iwan waited at home for like 1hr? 1 1/2hr?
went big bro finally came home we went JB and as usual, it was jam *w/o the peanut butter* wen we got to 'Pandan' *dun laugh, but its called tat* bought ps2 games *I got a new Hannah Montana game ppl!* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
then wan buy dvd but suddenly, right in front of my eyes the dvd shop all close lol they close so fast dad says the police are nearby *pirated dvd much?*
oh come on? who doesnt buy pirated dvd? so too bad, we didnt get to buy dvds tat night dad bought naan and satay to bring back home
it was still jam wen we go back home got back home at around 11.30pm..
@ 11/22/2008 12:36:00 PM
 *Tuesday, 18 November 2008* went to the facial shop at 2pm for big bro's facial appointment me, mum and iwan went shoe shopping for 1hr see picture! white flat Clanks shoe noe how much it costs? $88! but its SUPERR nice rite? i know! i juz fell in love wif it the moment i saw it! god, its so hard having a size 42 feet
niwaes, after 1 hr, went back to pick up big bro didnt see any difference but if u look closely thr is. espescially if u compare it wif his neck
then we go out window shopping for like 1hr? 2hr? then we go back home
@ 11/22/2008 12:28:00 PM
*Monday, 17 November 2008*
i think we went to the Tupperware's place Raining so heavily, me, iwan and big bro stayed in the car while mum did her tupperware stuff
after tat we went to this building in orchard road go to this facial shop and booked a facial appointment FOR BIG BRO! god, how topsy turvy can this world get? *im not jealous*
then we go eat lunch at some shop ok i didnt finish my food cuz it was too many as usual iwan and big bro finished up mine and theirs
today quite boring as u can see :) :) :) :)
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11/21/2008 07:23:00 PM
WEEEEEEEEEEE! so long nvr blog! u wanna noe why? cuz my mum had 1 week off from work so we went out like almost everyday! SUPER FUN! TOO BAD U CANT COME! :P
and suhairi sir, u cant burn this blog CUZ EVERYBODY LOVES THIS BLOG! rite rite? IN YOUR FACE SIR!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 11/11/2008 12:58:00 PM
'Monday, 9 November, 2008'
today was sooo tiring i had lost the Interact Club consent form then i dunno wad time was the meeting so i went to sch at 7am and waited DAMN LONG!
you know wad time the meeting start? 10am. 3 hours of sleep time wasted but the meeting was fun discuss bout next year's (i dunno wat) fair and the up-coming camp 12pm then i go home
didnt eat my breakfast and it is nearly time for lunch reached home. ate like so many while watching TV. half-way watched the RachelRay Show (damn fun) watched Ellen (super damn fun), then other shows which i forgot
i think i slept early
@ 11/11/2008 12:42:00 PM
so engrossed. i think the movie is Kung-Fu Panda  Acap posing seyy! :)  Me and Acap! :)  'Sunday, 9 November, 2008'
went to the library juz the usual, return and borrow books saw Ashraf, Filkhairi and two other friends whom i dont know wat their names are.. then go NTUC BUY, BUY, BUY then go home
got a call from my uncle said he and family were coming.. here are some of the pics
@ 11/11/2008 12:08:00 PM
'Saturday, 8 November, 2008'
Today is CEPP. big bro is involved so he went out like around 7.30am then mum and iwan went to the CEPP thing at around 9am
mum told me tat Asyraf was my uncle's teacher's son so we're sort of related.. sort of...
she also said ma'am talked to her
Ma'am: Who is ur son or daughter? Mum: Oh, Md Zulhari. Ma'am: Md Zulhairi? Then wers Nurul Sofia? Mum: She's at home. She said tat only parents are allowed to come. Ma'am: Oh no! Everybody can come! Mum: Oh well, maybe next time!
God! ma'am remembers me leh! SO GOOOOOOD! :) and my mum oso told me tat Iwan went for a second helping wen it was time to eat
so after tat, they went home big bro's specs broke we went out to buy new one WHITE FRAMED SEYY!
then mum bought Iwan a fake gun toy cuz she said if he volenteer for the CEPP thing she will buy him a toy VERY LAME ..
then we go to Civic Centre to meet mum's friend then go yishun. GUESS WHAT WE DID THR? SURPRISE! I CUT MY HAIR!
very short sia.. then we go buy food for my grandparents then we go home
@ 11/11/2008 11:59:00 AM
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 4 days nvr update. Suhairi Sir very angry hor* been very busy lately i dunno doing wat since its the school hols then i would be busy *playing ps2 *sleeping *out of my house
ok i start wer i last stopped
Friday, November 07, 2008 @ 11/07/2008 07:01:00 PM
i think on 22 and 23 november going 1 star kayaking course with all the sec 2s and guess wat? i do not noe wat to bring! *maybe i ask big bro ltr*
im gonna be lonely thr since no other sec 1s tat i noe of is going too maybe i'll go wif phoebe and zahirah but it'll be soo akward..
jus ate my dinner, instant siew mai, seafood summore if tommorow thrs red itchiness on my skin, serves me right
tonite's menu is, chicken satay with sambal, fried beef with sambal cold-hard lontong, and white rice you may think its not as bad as it seems but i dont like it, i cant force myself to swallow food tat i don like
u may not know but i LOVE the HL Oat Milk i havnt even tasted it and wen i was washing my hand, i saw the milk carton in the dustbin and wats worst, it was bought yesterday and today, finished oredi?
thr was also 8+/- boxes of frozen pizza but wen i opened the refrigerator, thr was only 2 left i dont wat to pin-point who did wat, but i noe who did it
im eating alot of instant noodles nowadays and drinkning lots of sweet drinks and stuffing myselfs wif sweets and chocos and since its the sch hols, thrs no P.E so no exercise *i hope i dont get fat*
but i think its ok cuz i alwys skip my breakfast and every now and then my lunch the worst thing tat could happen is tat my stamina will be very low and as if its not low enuf oredi
i wan watch Kung-Fu Panda on TV now dad boughtthe DVD at JB, saw it yesterday and it was SUPERR DAMN FUNNY! so i watch it again tonight! :) :) :) :)
@ 11/07/2008 04:56:00 PM
why cant you guys find ur own style
ppl will love you for who you are not what you have
find out more about yourself
Zaidiah - Friendster Name's [Pathetic Girl] Farahin - Friendster Background [Rainbows] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'M SO OVER YOU (not angry wif u)
To Khalida: Sweetie, you better stop pissing me off or you gonna watch your back
To Suhairi Sir: I felt my heart break into pieces during the NCO/Cadet IC camp. For 2 days i cannot say my fav word "PATHETIC" It was torture to hear you say tat word and i cant go against you. Too bad Kushairi (i dunno how to spell) said PATHETIC, cuz he deserves it. he made fun of how not shiny my boots were and how shiny his boots were...
tats y i dont mind not saying "PATHETIC" for two days cuz my thirst for revenge is quenched.
PATHETIC. pathetic. PATHETIC. pathetic. PATHETIC. patheitc. PATHETIC. pathetic. PATHETIC. pathetic. PATHETIC! PATHETIC! PATHETIC!
man tat felt good... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ok feeling super hyper rite now now if u dont mind i want to lie down and rest my head i think i hv enuf of "PATHETIC" for one day
@ 11/07/2008 12:58:00 PM
many thx to our LOVING Suhairi Sir for posting the reasults of the Sec 1s profeciency badges test here are the reasults!
Top 5 Best Sec 1 Cadets:
1st - LCP Nurul Sofia Bte Assahari (216/240) 2nd - LCP Muhammad Huzaifah Bin Mustapha (200/240) 3rd - LCP Ng Dean Wern (195.5/240) [WAHH!] 4th - LCP Nur Istiana Bte Abdul Jalil (195/240) 5th - LCP Hafieqa Bte Ismail (194/240)
Top 5 Fire Safety Proficiency:
1st - LCP Nur Istiana Bte Abdul Jalil (48/50) 2nd - LCP Nurul Sofia Bte Assahari (47/50) 2nd - LCP Hafieqa Bte Ismail (47/50) 2nd - LCP Aloysius Tan Chong Kai (47/50) 3rd - LCP Amos Lai Yue Han (45/50)
Top 5 First Aid Proficiency:
1st - LCP Nurul Sofia Bte Assahari (67/70) 2nd - LCP Aloysius Tan Chong Kai (59/70) 3rd - LCP Nadhirah Bte Mohamad Roslan (58/70) 4th - LCP Nur Istiana Bte Abdul Jalil (57/70) 5th - LCP Ng Dean Wern (56/70) 5th - LCP Muhammad Huzaifah Bin Mustapha (56/70)
Top 5 Footdrill (Bronze) Proficiency:
1st - LCP Muhammad Fadhli Bin Norezuan (20/20) [WAHH!] 2nd - LCP Nurul Sofia Bte Assahari (19/20) 2nd - LCP Hafieqa Bte Ismail (19/20) 2nd - LCP Aloysius Tan Chong Kai (19/20) 2nd - LCP Muhammad Huzaifah Bin Mustapha (19/20) 2nd - LCP Nurul Zaidiah Bte Zainal A (19/20) 2nd - LCP Mohamad Nathir Bin Mohd Nejib (19/20)
Top 5 Total Defence (Bronze) Proficiency:
1st - LCP Nur Insyirah Bte Badrul Hisham (85/100) 2nd - LCP Cheong Zhi Rui (84/100) 3rd - LCP Nurul Sofia Bte Assahari (83/100) 3rd - LCP Mohamad Nathir Bin Mohd Nejib (83/100) 4th - LCP Muhammad Huzaifah Bin Mustapha (82/100)
i copied and pasted from the evg ncdcc blog to see the full post go to again many thx to Suhairi Sir all credits goes to him :) :) :) :)