Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 12/29/2008 01:58:00 PM
so yeah, Sunday was edusave scholarship day gosh, a lot seyy students. saw Gabriel, Yun Yen, Lucas (Lulu!) and others from EVG tat i dunno. stupid sia. i came like 8.15am then waited like 45 mins for the guest of honour u wanna noe hu? Mr Hawaizi Daipi. no wonder. he was the guest of honour for the christmas party also. *read below* LOL. he must be pretty busy.
so yeah, speech, yadda, yadda, yadda then giv certificates and checks then take photo wif GUEST OF HONOUR. LOL. didnt want. but haizz. mothers.. so yeah, long queue, hvnt eat breafast, u noe the rest finally my turn, whole family went up LOL. then finally can eat, my breakfast WOOOHOOO! take-out, baby! Mcdonalds larh.
then went home, played wif iwan then 2pm++ went to another wedding same old, same old. then went to the new Sembawang Shopping Center its awesome seyy, bought things
ok this was actually $22 but if i bought 2 things it would be $40 so mum got a grey shawl and i got tis! cute rite?
so yeah, Monday, iwan got some music class at school big bro and dad went JB to repair the car or something at around 2.30pm, dad and big bro came back, fetch me at hom then went to GWPS to fetch iwan we went bowling after tat *w/o mum* SURPRISINGLY, IWAN GOT A STRIKE!
im sorry, i hv no pics of the bowling part cuz the camera ws wif mum at her workplace so yeah, played 3 games yeah i got a strike too! then went off to fetch mum from work ate at the coffe shop, then went back home
on the way back, dad stopped mum and i at CWP cuz we got John Little vouchers tat were due this year so we jus had to shop!
I JUZ LOVE THIS! i cant believe they exist in the world RAINBOW, BABY! and its SUPERR NICE and nisa, DONT SCEAM! i saw a orange one too! except tat instead off rainbow colours it is diff shades of orange and no farahin, didnt see a purple. cost me only $9.90!
ok bought another sweater. this was on sale.SUPERR NICE DESIGN AT THE BACK thr was pink, black and white and this was size XXL. SHOCKING ISNT IT? cost me $24.90
LOVE IT TO PIECES! this was on sale too! it is freesize. LOL SUPERR NICE RITE? it matches perfectly wif the small pink sweater i bought on Sunday! cost me only $15!
@ 12/29/2008 12:48:00 PM
so yeah, lets continue from Friday i dont remember anything bout wad we did on friday so yeah, we'll continue
on saturday, oh, very busy and tiring day yeah, first we went to some wedding then we went to a christmas party then we went to a birthday party unimportant details are left out yeah, then we go home cuz
under our block thr was a christmas party looks like fun, but we went home first i, big bro and iwan changed clothes then went down to see the party got a goodie bag for $3 *my $3*
inside, refreshment ticket, lucky draw number and some books bout dengue, cvil defence and old ppl ehk the book bout civil defence is 2008 edition big bro says the one at he ncdcc room is really outdated haha, get a load of tat!
so yeah walked around, see the flea market, got performance then we entered iwan in a colouring contest and went back home to colour *the hall fan is spoilt*, colour until 6.20pm who colour? yours truly of course. for the love of iwan, i coloured for him well, he wanted to win and aniwaes he was in the 6 yrs and above catergory AIN'T I 6 YRS AND ABOVE? so i didnt cheat.
i and iwan went down back, *big bro went down earlier* heard numbers being called out LUCKY DRAW. saw big bro at the back went to him, the thing is, they were calling out the numbers in chinese and then they translate in english
so yeah, heard the english transation '190' big bro rushed iwan on stage to get the prize neither i nor big bro wanted to be on stage so yeah, my number was 190 u noe wats the prize is? a telphone. so now wen u call me, u dont hv to strain ur ears to hear me like before
then we waited for the colouring contest which was seriously very long thr was random quizes, random singing a silat performance, tai kwan do (how do u spell it?) performance, more random quizes, a balloon making guy, rap performance, a very GAY-ish performance and then the colouring contest reasults
the silat performance was ok-ish. except the last part thrs this SUPERR CUTE guy and another guy 'fight' the SUPERR CUTE guy was using a pole and the other guy was using the sword the funny part was tat, wen they were 'fighting' the pole of the SUPERR CUTE guy hit the light bulb on top of the stage i was trying not to laugh out too loudly, the SUPERR CUTE guy was embarassed and smiled out to the crowd but they still continued until the end.
the good news was tat they were the 2nd last act and the last act to use weapons. the bad news was tat the last act was one of big bro's friend and his family was thr to see his performance w/o light ): sadd rite? but it was seriously funny and guy was seriously SUPERR CUTE. haha, ok next one.
the rap performance was awesome. malay boys lol. not surprising actually then thr was the GAY-ish performance malay boys LOL. really surprising actually they were dancing to the song ' When I Grow Up' by Pussycat Dolls remix version i think BOYS. DANCING. LIKE PUSSYCAT DOLLS. GAY MUCH? ok larh, but its seriously funny but u noe wad makes it more funny? thr were senior citizens thr, some even on wheelchairs! LOL.
so yeah, finally, colouring contest reasults first was the under 6 yrs, 1st was our neighbour the rest i dunno who. then came the 6 yrs and above reasults guess who came first? iwan of course! come on larh, who can beat the all amazing Sofia in an amature colouring contest? okok, im sorry, not much of a competition but seriously, it was 6 YRS AND ABOVE. IM 13. ISN'T 13 MORE THAN 6? DO YOUR MATHS.
so yeah, thrs the 1st prize picture its actually bigger but my scanner is not big enuf for the whole pic so yeah. its not nice in here, shuld see it on paper larh i saw a kids pic, she coloured the sky blue while i painted the sky black so she showing tat Santa Claus sends presents in broad daylight
WOW. im not even christian but i noe. oh well, she's juz a kid after all, cant blame her for trying so yeah after tat was an amateur magic performance which was seriously very LAME. so went home after tat
@ 12/29/2008 12:05:00 PM
nearly 1 week i nvr update sorry babes, but seriously im busy hmm, lets start on wednesday
yeah so, my tooth didnt hurt tat much as i tot after i ate the meds still went to ros's house tat day yeah, waited for nisa outside boots and shoes man, was she late! niwaes, im not the type of person hu would fight over this type of stuff. so we went
yadda, yadda, yadda had loads of fun, didnt take pics *dunno why* heard a new phrase 'bloddy mangkuk' heard anyone say this before? no, me neither until tat day went back home around 2pm++
so yeah, thursday was Christmas Day MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS! to everyone hu celebrates it dad, big bro and me painted grandparents room in the morning played with iwan and big bro then we wanted take-out for dinner Sarprino's and KFC was decided
so yeah, big bro called Sarprino's and i *tried to* called KFC i called and a guy picked it up, lol, malay summore used my mum's hp and i was sitting beside my mum hu was using the com wen he said '...this is KFC. How can we help you?' i said 'umm, can i hv a Mega Meal' he said 'wait a moment. you are miss..?' i dunno wad to say, my name or my mum's cuz im using my mum's hp my mum said juz use hers
i said ' Zaiton, Miss (?) Zaiton' he said 'postal code?' i dunno wad to say, sumhow i dunno wads postal code is i said to mum wads postal code. mum was like laughing and said the 730 number i was laughing, and said the postal code to fast he said 'ok, now say it slowly'
i was like laughing so hard and gave it to my mum to continue the order lol, after my mum finished the order, she told me tat dude asked her the door number, she said '#12-130.' the dude repeated '#12-160.' my mum corrected 'no, #12-130.' the dude replyed ' oh dah pekak pulak' (oh now im deaf) gosh, seriously i was laughing like mad
so now if tat dude is reading this im so sorry im made ur job difficult nvr knew i had a problem of talking to strangers not face to face and i thank you for not being impatient gosh u really made me laugh so hard for a long time cannot do cuz of the recent surgery
* In the process of uploadig pics*
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 12/23/2008 09:20:00 PM
im sorry if i cant blog any sooner i slept right after i got home from the surgery so yeah, here's wad happen..
the dentist injected my gums like a DAMNing 4 times *to make it numb* why cant he juz let me sleep? so after a while, it did feel numb and he 'dug' out my poor, poor tooth didnt feel a thing, but seriously the way he 'dig' my teeth was enuf to make me wanna cry
so after the tooth got out, he 'sew' the gum black string. LOL. why cant he choose some other colour? so yeah, gave me sumting to bite on and the assistant told me not to throw it until 2hrs hv passed so it was no eating, no drinking and no talking for 2 DAMNing hrs. *i slept*
woke up like 4pm++, my stomach literally grumbled asked my dad if i can take the sumting out of my mouth he said yes, and DAMN! it was full of blood it was still numb, so i didnt feel pain then i was like searching for food soft enuf to eat couldnt open my mouth to the maxxxx *i felt so weak*
ate instant noodles, and i was like suffering my throath hurts wen i swallow and i couldnt chew so i had to swallow big pieces of noodles which is soo torturing... *i still hv meds to swallow*
i juz lied on the sofa and watched TV for the rest of the evening cuz after dinner (instant noodles) my mouth was DAMN painful had to wait for the meds to be digested then it will work *suffered in silence*
ANYWAYS, i would like to thank my sayang2 Nisa and Ardillah for wishing me good luck before the surgery and my EVER SO LOVING Suhairi Sir for accompanying me and chat for it was too painful to talk to anyone in the house * i know i was like talking rubbish all the way* IRONIC, HE SAYS
so yeah, im like so DAMN bored and tired and seriously, if u could see my face, u would go to a 1 min coma before trying to cheer me up it will be a while before i can eat chicken again GOD. i miss it soo much. and CHOCOLATES.
and oh yeah, i hv another appointment tomorrowto take out the string. and i might not even make it to the study group wif nisa and ros oh i dunno, maybe i'll just meet up to juz giv their things oh well, i gtg, im seriously tired seyy i'll try to blog again tomorrow, if i can
@ 12/23/2008 11:10:00 AM
the post below looks creepy like im selling you guys drugs
ANYWAYS, todays the day i dunno wad to feel scared,the surgery will be painfull? excited,that the tooth will be free? hungry, cuz i hvnt eat breakfast? guilty, of not eating my meds? confused bout wad to feel? might be exploding anytime now
so now, im counting the seconds to 2pm yupp, my surgery time haiz..
niwaes tomorrow, meeting Nisa and Ros for study group but seriously the time is not confirmed and neither is my conditon after the surgery told Nisa oredi, lol, she really wants me to go AKU TRY EH, NISA?
so yeah, i wan eat now, then my meds i'll try to blog after surgery and tell you how it goes *if i can*
Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 12/22/2008 10:31:00 PM

 as u can see, my meds for my DAMN wisdom tooth cost a DAMNing good $60, sigh.. painkillers mostly, and stuff to make me sleep i dont like capsules, the coating thingy tastes disgusting im quite ok wif tablets. so yeah. im juz waiting for the painfull time tommorrow's surgery WISH ME LUCK GUYS!..
@ 12/22/2008 08:58:00 PM
HELLO SWEETIES! :) ok lots of things going on first of, i wanna say sorry for not updating sooner been very busy lately which is quite PATHETIC as it is the HOLIDAYS as most of u would noe, i lost my calculator 'studied' wif Nisa and Nad at Nad's took some pics at Admiralty Park(?) and at CWP in Timezone! yeah, borrowed Nisa's calculator to do my hw she's gonna copy mine aniwaes, so yeah i think this wed going to Ros's but im not sure wad time the prob is, i might not even hv the strenght to wake up
my teeth hv been hurting lately and its very hard to eat without going 'DAMN!' its painful cuz i think im biting my gums lower back right part of my teeth so i and my parents went to the dentist
apparently, my wisdom tooth is growing the dentist say, its suppose to come out wen ur age 16 im only 13! ur telling me the tooth fairy failed her maths? ok gd news to those hu keep failing maths! u can apply to be a tooth fairy as ur job! no worries!
ok im sorry, its juz tat, why muz i be so different? sigh, so now, i hv to endure until tommorrow wen i can get my SURGERY done! which btw cost a DAMN-ing $600!
niwaes, the dentist say to eat alot at lunch cuz i wont be able to eat for a while after the surgery and also, tat i was tall for my age. hear it absolutely everywer. nvr gets old so now u understand. if the pain from the surgery wont go away i may not be able to go to Ros's. which i hv to if Nisa wants to finish her hw.
niwaes, i heard tat ben sir and suhairi sir are not going evg next year instead, Jin Hui, Shahir and Shazwan are the future evg CLTs hooray.......yeah. next year confirm everybody SUPERR slack and i hope next year sec 1s are not tat type, which i doubt very much.
Suhairi sir is very sad rite now. read his blog. so depressing. GOD. i cant believe im saying this IM SO GONNA MISS HIM. HIM AND HIS PATHETICNESS.
niwaes, im all set for next year SECONDARY 2 , BABY! ouh ya, big bro's been bragging bout his long pants sec 3 next year, they practically rule the school haiz, its ok, my time will come only tat i dont know if im suppose to email the malay hw and how. 2007 ppl, im not outdated like 2003, if u now at i mean
so yeah, tats all now. i gue- OH WAIT! you may all hv forgotten, but i certainly hv not this sunday, 28 dec 2008, i will be going to Marsiling sec to get my edusave scholarship! HEY, JEALOUS KE PE? haha, no larh, jkjk
ok, so yeah, tats all see u guys soon kays?
Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 12/14/2008 08:32:00 PM
-Afternoonwen to sombody's wedding, then to another person's wedding, then to my grandparents house, then to Sheng Siong. my afternoon is quite busy. niwaes, nothing interesting happen. THE PIC; tis was the first one. its nice rite? the 'orange and black' theme. its like a goth married a cheerful person. LOL. ORANGE, BABY! Nisa, hving ideas for ur wedding day? haha. ok im sorry, jk Nisa!
-Future CLASS OUTING! LOL. i tot it was cancelled. but Hwee Teng juz informed tat it is on the 20th. and 1 Achieve, pls attend. she needs 20 ppl to confirm tat we can hv the outing. things are happening at the class blog and i dont want to be involved. i juz hope tat things will settle down and the clss outing will be a success. oh ya, im going! told Hwee Teng oredi. 1 Achieve, u wnna go, tell Hwee Teng.
-PresentOMG! IM SUPERR DAMN ANGRY.MY HOMEWORK IS NOT DONE.I HAVE LOST MY BELOVED CALCULATOR AND CORRECTION TAPE.AND SOMEBODY IS GETTING ON MY LAST NERVE.-Currentlywatched Shrek the Third. SUPERR DAMN FUNNY. espescially the part wen Shrek dreams on the ship. DAR DAR! LOL. tat Arthur is quite CUTE.-Past i forgot to tell you. during the interact camp, we had water activities. Farizmi got soaked wen he was wearing P.E t-shirt. LOL MAN BOOBs. hahahahaha. GUESS WAT? he has pads! 6 of them! OMG! ITS SO DAMN CLEAR! he's so strong yet he's only sec 2. *sigh* i think im gonna faint. LOL! JOKING!
@ 12/14/2008 07:20:00 PM
-Yesterdaywent to a place called Bras Basah (?). i think its sort of an old-fashion shopping center (?). mum and dad says tat they bought their sch books thr instead of at sch like we do now. LOL. only bookstore thr was Popular. my books are complete. big bro still got a sci book (?). iwan still got an eng book. niwaes, finish buying books, wen to Funan (shopping center?) to Times.
Do You Know How Little Times Bookstores There Are In Singapore?
i think thrs like less then 10 stores in Singapore. we went thr only to spend big bro's $20 voucher. (if you remembered, he and his friend won the 'Be Yourself Day' competition for the sec 2 lvl) the prize was the voucher. LOL. the things i wanted to buy were all above $20. and in the end, mum only bought christmas cards wif the voucher. went to (?) to eat. LOL. im sorry. all i noe is tat it was near the Masjid Sultan. (?) Lunch time. service was SUPERR SLOW. but at least i got to eat my fav desert. its called Suji. nvr tried it before? YOU SHOULD! :) 
-Early Morning Today How early? Damn early, like 3am early. mum, dad, big bro, iwan and i went to a fish port. i dunno wats the name but it sure smells like fish! LOL. the fishes is like SUPERR DAMN fresh. how fresh? like 'just caught and still gasping for air' fresh. the fishes were literally jumping and flippin for air. thr was many diff types of fish. Red. Big. Long. Small. Black. thr was also prawns and squids and clams and eels. saw a SUPERR gigantic lobster. and FLATFISHES! mum bought ikan bilis for like $20++ ! the thing is, u cannot buy it the amount you want. it has a fixed weight. u want it, u hv to buy all. so we had like 6 packets of ikan bilis. FRESH from the sea. wait. ikan bilis is a salt water fish? o.0 went back like around 4am
Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 12/11/2008 12:41:00 PM
bought this SUPERR DAMN NICE pink belt at JB for $10, mum says it shuld be sold at $5 but who cares? ok well maybe my dad. i dunno why, but suddenly im in love wif belts! i wanna buy more. now u guys noe wat to get me for my birthday LOL. JOKING.
bought this at Ang Mo Kio. SUPERR NICE RITE?my black slipper broke during the interact camp so i didnt hv anything to use for everyday walking quite small. but i'll manage i forgot how much. but i think its around $6-$7 and im sure its less then $10
@ 12/11/2008 11:02:00 AM
first of all, wanna say sorry for not updating lots hv been going on lately i'll juz summarise it for you
went to interact camp on 4th to 6th dec kinda forgot it, lucky my dad and i went to buy books met vilynn and guo li with their camping stuff lol. awkward. told them to tell the board members i'll be a bit late rushed home. packed. went to school. 15 mins. fast huh?
niwaes, alot of activities. some: ice breaker games, amazing race season 1 and 2, night trail season 1 and 2 and more. amazing race season 1 was at sch. not tat hard. my group went 2nd. season 2 was at Fu Shan garden got in last place. diff days though.
night trail season 1 was not scary cuz we knew what was going on although we were blindfolded season 2 was SUPERR DAMN SCARY. they closed all the lights on the 3rd and 4th level GOD. my group went with 2 other facilitators whom also did not know what to expect
actually it started in the basketball court with this guy telling us ghost stories one by one, groups are told to go in the school building as i was in the 2nd group, my group was next
went to the 4th floor by the spiral staircase. headed to the toilet in the block nearest to the basketball court we DAMN SERIOUSLY tot tat thr was sumting in the toilet cuz it was so dark. wanted open the toilet light. we decided against it SUDDENLY, sumone with long hair shouted and jumped out the dustbin. GOD. DAMN SCARY actually it was one of the ex-interactors who came to help wearing FAKE long hair. NEVER GOING NEAR A DUSTBIN EVER AGAIN.
then, went down to the 2nd lvl by the staircase nearby headed to the hall. passed by the D&T rooms. LOL dunno why feel so scared looking at the D&T rooms maybe suddenly sumbody come out and scare us through the window? anything could happen. niwaes the 2nd lvl was lighted
then SUDDENLY, somebody shouted (i think Gerrard) cuz we turn behind (he was behind us) and saw him crouching down and a guy with a scary mask right in front of our eyes of course we ran the other way. SUDDENLY, another guy came out from the toilet GOD. SUPERR DAMN SCARY. hvnt recover from first scare second one come out. WHOA.
niwaes, fell on my knees from running from the first scare then went saw the 2nd one felt pain in my knees wen want to run back tats wer i got a blue-black on my knees  niwaes, the redness is now gone. juz left with a bit of blue-black but it doesnt hurt now. niwaes, back to the camp after the 'double scare' i was like shaking oredi
we headed to the hall. only one door is open. SUPERR DAMN DARK. no lights at all, except fot the exit sign at the side of the stage EVGians u shuld noe wer. we headed to the exit sign. the door was blocked confused. saw the previous toilet 'ghost' at the door. told us to go backstage. i think it was lighted. and 3 doors. toilets and store room. EVGians u shuld noe.
i dont know which door is which. but we went from the left side of the stage. i seriously had enuf the 'ghost' and we knew thr was another one so we made a plan. juz shout, so the 'ghost will be confused. on the count of 3, we shout. nothing happen. we shout again. then from the third door the 'ghost' come out frightening us
so expected. but i still shouted. u wanna knoe why? cuz he was wearing a mask with a head of a girl in his right hand Juz the head. i knew it was fake after tat.he said to go down the canteen as the night trail if over. GOD. u guys dunno how relieved i was saw group 1 at the canteen. they started talking bout te night trail and how scared they were. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
u noe, the thing i hate bout this camp was tat 99.999999999999% spoke chinese throughout the camp I SHOULD HV LEARNT CHINESE BEFORE COMING TO THIS CAMP i felt so left out. so DIFFERENT. sigh.
niwaes, on the last day, we went to do the newspaper recycling thing actually for most, this is their 2nd time. mine was first. the first time they went. i had my NCDCC NCO/IC camp it was fun anyways, i went with hong qian and another guy (i forgot his name)
i think i went back at 12++ pm treated guo li with 100 plus bottle drink cuz she lended me a 10c to call my mum. u think i was stupid? nah, if she didnt lend me 10c then i hv to walk home. so it was worth it. niwaes, we're friends! mum was at her friends house wen i called quite near, so didnt need to wait.