Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 2/27/2009 07:37:00 PM
ok, SUPERR FUN today went to the playground nearby after ncdcc LOLs!~ took alot of pics seyy we were SUPERR CRAZY.
at the bus, wen going home, zai was like soo funny she keep saying like "kau ni bodoh larh, bodoh" and khalida was like "eh, mak aku tk ajar untuk ckp orrang bodoh larh, bodoh!" we were like laughing at the back of the bus, ppl were like staring at us. LOL.
cant wait for tomorrow, zai and khalida are coming over LOL. to hv fun larh! why, want to come? my latest possible booking is next year December
haha. no larh, but seriously, tomorrow cannot. ok maybe the whole of this week cannot, COMMON TEST LARH BABE! i know you clever noe need study klarh, wan study english and history bb
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 2/26/2009 08:48:00 PM
OMG! you guys know yesterday raining rite? well, i saw a RAINBOW wen i went back home at around 5.45pm-615pm. i was walking at the corridor, towards my house i looked up anf suddenly saw the RAINBOW!
i ran to my house and banged on the door wen the door opened, i shouted "There's a RAINBOW outside!" rushed in to take the camera and took pictures! OMG. so long seyy nvr see RAINBOW. so rare. LIKE ME. ok stop it, SOFIA.
but seriously, i did not edit. I NEVER JOKE ABOUT RAINBOWS. its not tat clear, cuz the camera was a bad quality *i noe im not rich* but u can see it right? i mean, its SUPERR CLEAR.
i noe sum of you hv missed it. but i think thr will be more during this raining season juz hope you are at the correct place, at the correct time.
IT SERIOUSLY MADE MY DAY! SofiaRainBow! signing off.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 2/24/2009 08:48:00 PM
 HELLO SWEETIES! :) WEEEEEEEEEEE! do you know tat mrs eng tagged my blog? HAHA. surprised seyy
anyhoos, still got hw to do so lets juz rush. WWHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!! ok done.
LOL. i know you all love me.
*right mrs eng?* haha. enough larh ehk Sofia.
ouh ya. DAMN! nid to sign form to go the PRIST thingy. before i forget again. be back in a sec. --------------------------------------1 hour later--------------------------------------
LOLs. u noe, physics was quite fun today! GOSH. im actually saying tat. but seriously! i did not fall asleep WEIRD? I KNOW! GOSH!
yeah, i did not tell you this before but today was actually the prefect's interview. I KNOW! NERVOUS SEYY! haha. lucky got May. make my nervous-ness go away. LOL. so many ppl dun wan come. Nicholas, Lim Min, Xiao Min, and not forgeting William, who was sick.
okok, so at 3pm went to IT resource room with May YADDA, YADDA, YADDA long lecture on where to go, how to do this and tat. the waited outside for the first interview. ouh ya. ex-gwps ppl, do you remember Hilmi and Razif(?) from 6F yeah, they're nominated too. OMG. May, so dirty minded seyy.
so yeah. waited and waited. then suddenly May had to go. ---------------------SILENT FOR 10 SECONDS-------------------- then it was my turn. aidil sakk kene. tkder exco lain ke? omg. he was like so bad seyy. after every answer i say, he would go "Ooooookkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy' SARCASTIC MUCH? and it made me think about what hv i juz said. "OMG! Did i say somthing wrong?"
then went outside again for another round of interview. omg. this round was like much more fun. i got Brendon and Xue Er. Qing Yang(?) as extra. LOL. Brendon SUPERR DAMN FUNNY SEYY. then Xue Er was SUPERR DAMN NICE. Qing Yang(?) was laughing like ...
they ask me all sorts of questions haha. thr was one funny part seyy
Brendon: if you were given an order from a teacher to do somthing would you... a) rush to complete it as soon as possible b) plan before you do anything c) ask friends for help Me: B. Plan. Brendon and Xue Er wrote something on the paper. Brendon: ok, if you were given a scenario, tat you hv to confront senoirs what would you do? Than there was an akward silence. Me: OH! this question not multiple-choice question? i was like waiting for you to say the options! Xue Er and Qing Yang was laughing. Brendon: No larh, dont expect us to give you multiple choice questions everytime!
LOLs. i was like feeling so stupid seyy. omg. i cant wait for the reasults seyy. ouh ya, i want thank all of you guys who wished me luck. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!~
so yeah, i donno wat to say oredi. ouh ya, i want do my homework bb people!
@ 2/24/2009 08:05:00 PM
so long nvr upload my picture my blog becoming too wordy
@ 2/24/2009 07:50:00 PM
as requested by my dear Mrs Eng, here are some photos from the graduation ceremony. sorry, nvr take picture of SUSHI. too bad u didnt come. SUSHI very nice you noe.
My mummy's certificate. mummy's friend, mummy's lecturer, mummy! the whole batch of graduatiing students with distinguished guest can spot my mummy?
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 2/20/2009 10:07:00 PM
you noe what alloysius say at MSN? here. read. A: ello xtra act cool not cool gal M: omg. lame seyy. hello btw A: i wan tell sir to fire you out from NCDCC if not next time you do sizing command alot ppl will die
LOL. PIANGG! you all die. if you read the previous post u'll understand alloysius you are SUPERR DAMN FUNNY. and SUPERR DAMN CUTE. :P
you know during the knot tieing test me, zai, khalida, shaheera, istiana and amos played Heart Attack! SUPERR FUN SEYY. laughed until ma'am scold us. SORRY MA'AM. we love you very much. and we know you love us too.
ouh ya, i forgot to tell you after training, i went home with zai, khalida and istiana SUPERR DUPERR FUN SEYY played at the playground and took pics will upload when i get hold of the pics from zai
ok lets be advertisers. Go and tag at 2 Commitment blog! Go and visit Evergreen Sec NCDCC's blog! k done.
ouh ya, in case you didnt hear me at school to Hafieqa: Np sayang! I LOVE YOU TOO. muaks! to Encik: Hi Encik, you look so cute today! to Alloysious and Amos: shuddup.
klarhs bb.
@ 2/20/2009 09:18:00 PM
ok lots of things happened this week and seriously, some were good and some were bad. ok we all know what i am refering bout, RIGHT 2 COMMITMENT? but lets juz put tat behind us we hv to forget the mistakes we did in the past and make it a lesson to improve ourselves
tat means: NO BULLYING, NO FIGHTING, NO MAKING MRS ENG SAD. we love you Mrs Eng. and you know it. and we know you love us too. we hv disappointed you before but we'll try not to repeat it AND MAY, WE ALL LOVE YOU TOO.
ok, now, mrs woo told us tat lit is included in the exam tat means xtra revision to do and i more subject to pass GOSH. but you know what? nisa and lucas is going tot he Shakespear's play! WOOHOO! confirm SUPERR DAMN FUN! looking forward seyy.
you remember Mother Tongue Week? well, yours truly has won TROPHIES! you know tat i got third for the caligraphy thingy i also got 2nd for presentation thingy and 2nd for malay poetry thingy. I VERY THE PRO RIGHT? shuddup alloysius.
then got wad arh? oh, no more. so sad ): so now is ncdcc time! yay! *clapping sounds*
LOL. training SUPERR DAMN FUN seyy. congratz to all the sec 2 cadets who passed the knot tieing test. its not tat bad rite? nobody failed summore. then after test, we did PT. run 1 round. like siowww you know. then joined the sec 1s for games
LOL. very funny seyy sir ask for the tallest to the right and shortest tot he left then got this sec 1 kid. SUPERR DAMN TALL SEYY. everybody lost to him. except kia seng. PHEW! nvr drop sec 2 reputation. then while they sort out the *SHORT2* people, the *TALL2* people were making jokes.
you know the command "...angkat satu dan dua piang" LOL. i was like saying out tat command softly but loud enuf for ppl around me could hear alloysius was on my right. then when i say out tat command, he started to laugh.
i asked why. he then said i say the command very funny. then he demonstrate. you know how he say i sound like? " angkat satu dan dua PPIANGG!" LOL. like somebody shooting. then he pretended tat he was beaing shot. like WTH seyy. VERY FUNNY SIA. haha. alloysius so cute.
then played Captain's Ball so much fun. Shahir Sir was like soo WTH seyy. my group was resting, Me: Sir, sir, sir. why the sec 1s wear long pants? Shahir Sir: ehk wen u call me, no nid call me sir 3x. juz call me sir 1x enuf. istiana beside me was like laughing so hard. i was like WTH seyy. then gave him apretend angry face and look away. Shahir Sir: *laughing* sorry, sorry. what did you ask? i still ignored. istiana still laughing Shahir Sir: ehk wat did u ask juz now? Me: why the sec 1s wear long pants? Shahir Sir: you go ask thr in-charge.
it turns out tat this year, they are starting a new rule all PT must wear long pants cuz they want avoid injury when doing push-ups WAHHH. the sec 1s soo weak meh? lucky we all no nid seyy.
klarh. i want watch tv first. i will blog again ltr.
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 2/16/2009 07:19:00 PM
LOL. u remember yesterday nite i told you that i lost my chem file after i finish blog, i seached like crazy seyy then i gave up and tot tat maybe mrs eng will be in a good mood and maybe she wont scold, AND YOU KNOW WHAT? chem file was actually collected last week HOW STUPID WAS I?
yeah got to see my chem test reasults 14/20. stupid seyy... i hvnt get back the paper, juz get to see the reasults man, how nerve-wrecking.
ouh yeah! we went to the Science Centre! it was SUPERR BORING. the things we did today, were done during primary school so we knew what to expect at the end of the day but we did hv fun in the bus. took RANDOM and FUNNY pics of each other LOL. we were laughing all the way
alarh, tomorrow got physics arh i hate physics seyy. DAMN teacher dunno how to teach physics how am i suppose to get through the day?
OMG! tomorrow tuesday! DRAGON-BOATING DAY! im SUPERR nervous seyyy. and summore tuesday very heavy sey then nid to bring extra clothes and shoes OMG. SUPERR DUPERR HEAVY SEYY.
i hope we dun get last seyy. at least third. not tat paiseh as last larh the place is at kallang, last time sec 2 camp place WISH YELLOW LUCK GUYS!
ouh yeah, i also tot tat i lost my timetable seyy i know, i know, time to get a file and i got one oredi, and its PINK. LOL.
u noe PINK makes me remember wad happen in lit haha. Yusuf use PINK paper for his learning log! i seriously tot it was from a girl seyy okok i noe they hv thr right to choose any colour but it was juz so funny!
okok, sori larh everybody loves you larh Yusuf *kan Farahin kan, kan?* LOL.
its surprising tat not many people know tat i do not hv a handphone no, wait, i NEVER had my own personal phone. and they're quite shocked too. i dun find it shocking seyy
ehk, bigbro collecting money to buy hp seyy i think now he got $200+ and u noe wad he say? he wants to buy the sony erricson hp why better buy blackberry rite? no, tat one cant store alot of music then better buy iPod or Mp4 rite? no, at least hp can msg and call he seriously has done his thinking
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 2/15/2009 10:13:00 PM
wah, 10pm+ seyy. still got time to blog. finish my hw oredi except my chem sumhow i lost my chem file. WEIRD rite? then all my notes dun hv then i cannot do my hw i'll juz copy from sumbody tomorrow but i still need the notes seyy later mrs eng marh lerr
anyhoo, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FILIAH! 13 February was the day she turned 14. u noe i juz chatted wif her she is SUPERR DAMN lucky to hv so many presents!
u wanna know what she got from her parents? A BLACKBERRY! i dun even hv a hp, and she oredi has a DAMN-ING BLACKBERRY! now tell me how tat doesnt make you feel jealous? joking larh filiah. :) :) :) :)
yeah and we hv another birthday girl! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EMELIA! turned 14 on 7 February, yupp, rite after mine she threw a birthday party tat day but guess wat? i went kayak-ing on tat day. makes me feel so sad not attending her birthday party i bet she had many presents too.
ok enough of birthdays, its oredi over so yeah, tomorrow going Science Centre doesnt it sounds too primary school? yes, it does. but i LOVE going thr! u wanna noe why? cuz it brings soo much memories. then tuesday, i m going dragon boating! for what? for sports day larh!
ouh yeah speaking of sports day, heard tat yellow didnt win and didnt lose for soccer sumhow 3rd or 2nd. at least not last rite? yeah. :)
ehk, hv u heard 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift? isn't it nice? im like hearing it everyday seyy yeah i know its kinda outdated oredi biase larh, Sofia kan. sentiase outdated.
big bro currently ironing uniform for ncdcc i wonder why seyy. tomorrow monday rite? wer got ncdcc? oh wait! maybe its the SEMTREX thingy yeah, he's involved. me? nah. why? im not sure either. alarh, biase larh, Sofia kan? sentiase tk diperlukan.
i still dun hv time to upload photos seyy camera is wif mum if i got time, i'll upload kay?
ps: if ur wondering why its larger, well, i got a feedback from Farahin tat its diff to read my blog as the words are to small is it really small? im SUPERR sorry. cuz to me it ok. so pls if u hv a diff time to read pls tell me kays? and tell me if this size is ok.
let's thank Farahin THANK YOU FARAHIN!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 2/14/2009 08:13:00 PM
its Valentine's Day! sori cant celebrate CUZ. i got no boyfriend. !Hidarus! Where are thou, Hidarus? ceyy, step Romeo and Juliet nampk?
aniwaes, how was ur valentines? i hope it was nice. :) :) :) :)
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 2/13/2009 02:51:00 PM
OMG! its been so long since i had any free time on a friday. Now, i have so much free time! yeah, until i hv to do my homework larh. alot seyy homework. pantang seyy cikgu, mentang2 weekends. SHEESH.
haha. today so funny. CCD lesson was on total defence day 2 periods seyy. kesian cikgu norhayati kelas kene potong halfway. marah tau cikgu!
OUH YA! i got a good news! I WON THIRD PLACE! for chinese caligraphy, non-chinese, lower sec catergory trophy tauuu!
wait, i want to make my speech first. I want to thank my sayang, Farahin, for forcing me to join and thanks to Shawn, for helping me. Shawn so good. he oso very pro sehh i SUCK big time at first seyy too bad he didnt win seyy. next year join again eh shawn? join wif me kays? and shawn, you very cute u noe. :P :) :) :) :)
but u noe, i hvnt receive the trophy for sajak and syair, and pebentangan seyy maybe soon. or maybe i wont get at all. maybe only first-placed winners get trophies. but why chinese caligraphy third place get trophy? LOL. sofia tk puas hati ehk.
after school, stayed back for awhile to play boggle with hafieqa i SUCK big time seyy play until 1pm+ hafieqa going boggle competition she so pro seyy i only 6 words, she got 20+ words GOOD LUCK HAFIEQA! I KNOW U ROCK!
ouh ya, tomorrow Valentine's Day muslims cannot celebrate arh.. but Lim Min so funny i think she wrote valentine cards to everyone in class here's mine.
"Sofiaaaaa~ Happy Valentine's Day! :) Lucas is a BIG lizard. Agree? Hohoho. RI students are BIG weirdo. LVY, Sofia! I know you love me too, cause I'm A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E Lim Min ♥"
haha. YES! lucas is a BIG lizard. and yes RI students are BIG weirdos. LOL! okok, im sorry u wanna noe why she say like dat? because thr was one time we went to a bio museum and we went the tour wif the RI boys i think they were sec 1s and 2s they were SUPERR WEIRD.
yelarh, budk pandai2 kann? thr was some parts of the tour wer they seriously made me wan to punch them kerek seyy. tauu larh kau tu pandai. tk payah tunjuk2 seyy. and the WORST part was thr were no malay seyy. sume cine ngan india klu ade pun at least blh cari yg hensem2...
*cough* *cough* *cough* ahem, haiz, sofia mcm paham je eh. OMG! u noe wat? all this boys and valentine's thing made me remember Hidarus seyy. omg. MISH HIM SOO MUCH. i want try talking wif myself.
Me: i miss him so much seyy Other me: dh larh, sofia. stop it. Me: but i cant, he's soo cute! *smiling at myself* Other me: cukup arh. kau ni mcm paham seyy Me: do you know his msn? his number? Other me: jangan perasan larh sofia, tk de laki nk ngan kau arh. Me: but.. Other me: NO BUTS. u hv to know tat you wont be able to see him again! Me: *running away in tears*
GOSH, tat didnt make me feel any better seyy. no wonder u hv to talk to people not urself. u will make urself feel more depressed. HAIZ, Hidarus, maner kau? OH! I KNOW! kat Boon Lay Sec! hahahahaha. man, tat was LAME.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 2/12/2009 08:55:00 PM
HELLO SWEETIES! :) WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i got the greatest news! you wanna know what? thrs NO NCDCC tomorrow! SUPERR DAMN HAPPY!
LOL. dunno why dun hv seyy. at first the notice board says to wear PT kit i was SUPERR HAPPY seyy! then suddenly Isti say training cancelled then i was SUPERR DAMN HAPPY!
baik arh shahir, sms isti duruing sch hours. kene tangkap mcm maner seyy. ouh ya, tomorrow inter-house soccer LOL. zai and isti masuk seyy tat would be fun to watch. now, yellow house leading arh. 70 points, baby! but i dunno arh. i did my part in long jump. and soon in javelin and dragon boat. OMG! I CANT WAIT FOR TUES!
so yeah, school is ok nowadays im still waiting for geo, hist, home ec reasults seyy sooo nervous. maths oredi i fail, how bout the rest seyy?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 2/10/2009 09:42:00 PM
ok im not suppose to blogg rite now hv home ec test tomorrow and i hv to study but because i LOVE you all, i will blogg
sori for not blogging earlier friday got ncdcc and i had to pack for kayaking the next day yeah summary on ncdcc training had Master Parade, was not involve. Alloysuis arh, if i nvr volunteer, he would go, "Sofia! why you nvr go?!" and then give me a 'prtend angry' face ish2, you wan you go larh.
KAYAKING DAY! SUPERR DAMN FUN! :) me, nadd, hamizan and leroy had lots of fun thr! food was so not good. forced myself to eat. got games. LOL. hamizan, me and nadd got buried in sand cuz our group lost the game. but its not fair seyy our group only played once, while the rest played twice.
ouh ya, i partnered up wif nadd,leroy wif hamizan. we keep stealling each others pears and Suhairi Sir, OPPS, Hairi was at the back watching at us fighting over pears. SUPERR DAMN CRAZY RITE? haha. he also joined us so very fun.
got kayaking shirts, DAMN NICE SEYY! then nadd's parents tumpang home until 883, opps, triple 8 to eat KFC wif Hairi, leroy and hamizan too bad seyy leroy sick if not he could join us hv so much fun
NADDDD. can u pls dun be soo immature. aku sukekan Hidarus (?) larh, he's sooo cute larh. kau nk ngan budak cine sesat tu kan? haha. name pun tk tau. LOL budak cine pulak tu. ahhh, Hidarus! Hamizan extra larh. Nadd pun same je.
then went back home like 8pm+ body so aching, and u noe wat? we didnt do any warm up before the kayaking only some water confidence test thingy wahh then my body all so painfull
then on monday wnt back sch yadda,yadda,yadda, so yeah, i failed my latest maths test quite ironic, from sumone who comes from the top class. went to remidial, SUPERR fun larh Mr Tay! so yeah 11/25, is not bad, but still fail
so yeah i hv photos of my birthday! and my presents from my BESTIES! but i'll post them soon. LAZY is the word.
oklarh i wan study for home ec test. bb!