Saturday, March 07, 2009 @ 3/07/2009 07:02:00 PM
SUPERR lots of things to talk about
i'll start with this week ncdcc training
to start off, everybody who came on tat day
passed the campcraft test!
i want to thank my boss, my producer, my mummy,
my daddy, my brothers..
ok dh, SOFIA, stop it
then after tat heard tat we're suppose to go
for Mr Jay Lim training.
but bcuz Mr Su LOVES us alot,
we no nid go!
or at least i do.
haha. we play soccer until go home.
SUPERR fun seyy.
Mr Su, you rock playing soccer!
those who went Bintan
will sure be jealous
espescially ZAIDIAH.
*kan, kan zai, kan*
LOL. ok then today
a whole bunch of us went HTA
lets name them:
sec 3s - salehan, daniel, winston, phoebe, big bro
sec 2s! - me!, nadd, insyirah, istiana, amos, alloysius, kia seng
shuddup alloysius. nvr ask you.
mr clement lee took us from school by bus
salehan was like singing this malay song all of the sudden
istiana was like SUPERR scared that the instructors thr
will be SUPERR fierce and strict.
shockingly, the fear was contagious
if the sch CLTs were alredy tat fierce,
imagine how would the HTA ppl be.
but seriously, our thinkning was SUPERR off!
or at least for the girls GOH contigent.
both of our ma'ams were SUPERR nice and encouraging
i dunno thier names, but i can regconise their faces.
i hope we dont change instructors next training
ok, wen we reached thr
mr clement lee sign somthing then got a V chop on our hands
LOL. V for vampires~!
then we hv to march all the way to the shlehtered area
wer everybody gathered
one of the first few to arrive
thn waited for the rest of the schools to come
nah, didnt see any sign of HIM during his part
then we went to the parade square to fall in
boys and girls were saperated
why? im not sure either.
but it was SUPERR nice cuz of the instructors
ouh yeah, my-ever-so-loving hairi was thr!
LOL. he was with the GOH boys contigent
i heard screaming and shouting from a certain sumone
are you ok? i hope you are.
*still hvnt see HIM yet.*
i got to know tat some of the schools came
last week and had extra training
dunno why evgss no nid
i oso got to know tat thr are 6 supporting contigents
behind the GOH contigent.
and tat thr are also ppl who are not marching but performing
and also GOH contigent will be wearing NO.1!
ok LOL, im SUPERR excited right now
anihoos, after tat they ask us to sit at the benches
with our schools and this is the part wer i saw HIM.
ok actually i didnt see him, it was nadd who spotted him
i TOTALLY freaked out!
he saw me but i dun think he regconised
alarh, biase larh, Sofia kan.
sentiase dilupakan.
so yeah, after that part i keep on searching for him everywer i go
ok LOL. no nid for tat part.
aniwaes, continue-ing frop the benches.
HE was at the first row of benches
and i was at the 2nd row
daniel was on my left, salehan on his left and big bro on salehan's left
and HE was in front of big bro.
*psst, big bro doesn't know anything*
i mean how would he?
thr was this time wer i ask his opinion
abuot which david is more cuter,
david cook or david archuleta?
you know what he said?
" dont ask me anything about this because
i cannot differenciate between the two of them.
If i could, tat means i am GAY."
anywaes, phoebe knows whats happening
but i dun think she knows which one im refering bout
LOL, phoebe.
thrs one time istiana said in malay
" pity phoebe, she got no friend. zahira nvr come."
the i was like in
"wers phoebe?" i malay
the phoebe suddenly beside me said
then we all laughed. phoebe is juz SUPERR cute!
ok i keep interupting the story with random stuffs seyy
aniwaes continu-ing, after awhile of sitting
then called the GOH contigent to fall in at the side
and i was eyeing HIM, hoping tat he was one of the GOH boys contingent
but sadly, he didnt stand up. too bad too sad.
then waited untill sumbody to command to march in
saw tat the supporting contigent had already fall in at their respective places
LOL. like so proud seyy marching in front of the supporting contingent
they were lke lookng at us until so engrossed
haha. stop it larh Sofia
then did some drills with the ma'am
then had a big break. LOL. free food.
but no matter how free the food is, i would still not like the food
the white noodles was SUPERR tasteless
and the sambal fishball was like SUPERR spicy
it made me want to vomit, and most of u know tat
im not picky about food wen im SUPERR HUNGRY
but this was SUPERR extreme, so yeah
yeah, then did more drills
got many ppl report sick seyy
i blame the food.
then thr was this part wer the instructors
had to sit at the benches and watch our marching
from the bird's eye view
LOL. the guy giving us the command was soo ...
dunno wad to say.
then he say to watch our footdrill
and spot out our mistakes
when the commands finish, all the instructors went back
to their respective contingents
and tell their mistakes.
i was like, so tired and seriously didnt want to listen
cuz confirm got ppl do mistakes
(including me even if i dun realize it)
but shockingly, our ma'ams said tat we did excellent!
and tat one of the sir LOVES us
cuz we so pro at footdrill
then we had to thank him.
LOL funny. so embarased to say thank you.
our voice so soft, had to repeat 3 times.
yeah then, it was time to go home
keluar baris, fall in with school
took shirt and pants size
and then went home by bus with mr clement lee
felt so tired until sleep even with salehan's bad singing
wahh, SUPERR long post.
klarh hv to go bb.