Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 6/29/2009 07:05:00 PM
oooooooh, I LOVE school today! firstly, there's no lesson! *clap*clap* secondly, i dont need to wear tie! haha, can wear ncdcc shirt the whole day. all the UG have to do the cheering for AYG. it was fun seyy. the sec threes were like so hyper. then we all also so hyper. our cheering was good uhhs. :DDD
the npcc sec 2 cheer was like seriously NICE espes the BOOM! part I LOVE THE NCC BOYS! cuz they clapped for us when nobody did. so the ncdcc people clapped like so loud for them too!
then when all the UG did their cheers, the AYG ambassadors came with the torch Mr Chan, Mrs Tan and Hady wore the AYG uniform like so COOL uhhs! then mr chan lit the torch and walk to mrs tan then she walked and passed to Hadi. then got speech, then they went off. its like so COOL seyy our school got chosen to lit the AYG torch! awww, ur school didnt? too bad. :PPP sorry, i dont have any pics of it ))):
then we went for recess and went back to class then got alot of papers and stuffs to hand out. lucky got bring thermometer. i thought i forgot. (((: we didnt do anything much uhhs. mrs eng got bring lappy then got alot of web surfing and youtubing and for the rest of the day, we went to the chemistry lab to sort out all the racial harmony day t-shirts for the whole school. *remind me next time to take size S*
quite nice uhhs the t-shirts LOL, but too bright. TOO ORANGEY haha, like ncc shirt but i dont care! I LOVE THE NCC BOYS! haha, ok enough eh sofia. then got prefect meeting. *still hvnt get the badge yet
then went to farahin's house to do history project YEAH, RIGHT! we spent the whole day LOL-ing seyy. yeah, yeah, i know im not familiar with malay artiste but seriously uhhs. JOHAN MISKIN? haha, ok fine uhhs, nisa. :DDDD then went to facebook and look at people's profile and pics cant say anything, but let's just say i hvnt laughed liked that for a long itme :DDD left her house at 6.10pm
haha, i went home with nisa then the bus came but i already passed the bus stop then nisa was like, RUN! FASTER! THE NEXT BUS STOP! and i was like running so fast. haha, i dunno why. then i got up the bus and felt so sleepy LOL, i woke up when i heard this kid's noisy trolley bag then he stopped in the middle of the bus and tried to sit at the side handle. LOL, so short, but still he climbed and yeah, he got thr wahh, seriously uhhs, so brave. if the bus jerked and he fell, very paiseh uhhs. sigh, kids nowadays.
*nadd got quarrantine at her home she go england, then can skip school for 7 days. haha, lucky her. but too bad horr she cannot take part in the AYG cheering thingy*
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 6/28/2009 04:47:00 PM
so yeah, i hope more people will support the GAIA life thingy. i will blog more after the homework craziness is over and after i settle in at school.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 6/25/2009 10:09:00 PM
This quiz is from CASEYYYY.GOSH, tak leh panjang lagi ke perr.1. Besides lips, where is your spot to get kissed?-cheeks, i guess2. How do You feel when you woke up this morning?-duhh, sleepy.3. Who was that last person you talked with?-as in face to face? my mum. phone? nisa.4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?-damning no.5. Would you donate blood?-if it helps sombody, then yes. ((:6. Have you ever have a best friend who opposite sex?-yeah.7. Do you want someone dead?-not as if i can control it.8. What does the last message says?-no hp. ): 9.What are you thinking now?-How to answer this quenstion.10. Do you wish someone with you right now?-yeah, my Rainbow Unicorn. 11. What time you went to bed last night?-11.30pm, watching Go Figure. 12. Who was the last person you texted?-wont bother answering. 13. 10 people tagged to do quiz1)Nadd2)JustinRainbowww3)Khalida4)Dzul5)Nisa6)Alloy7)Casey8)Adam9)Suhairi10)Filiah14)Who was 2 having relationship with?(JustinRainbowwww)-he's single. 15. Is 3 a female?(Khalida)no larh. she is girl.16. If 7 and 6 get together,would it be a good thing?(Casey & Alloy) -NOOOOO! its the end of the world!17. What is 1 studying about?(Nadd)-How to get back to Singapore. :PPP 18.How long ago did you chat with 5?(Nisa)-OMG. 1 month ago? her com is being fixed. 19. Is 4 single?(Dzul)-hmm, should be. 20. Say something about 2?(JustinRainbowwww)-He's my Rainbow Destiny! 21. What do You think of 3 and 6 being together?(Khalida & Alloy)-LOL! I will laugh my head off. 22. What do You think if 6 and 7 fight?(Alloy & Casey)-i wonder why? 23. Do You like 3?(Khalida)-NOPE of course. I LOVE HER!WHAT WAS YOUR:1. Last beverage:HL Milk!2. Last phone call: Nisa <33. Last text message: no hp.4. Last song You listened to: One and the Same by Demi and SelenaLast time You cried: Yesterday night.6. Dated someone twice: not even once.7. Been cheated on: nahh8. Kissed someone & regretted it: NOPE.9. Lost someone special: Who?10. Been depressed: Who hasn't?11. Been drunk and threw up: gosh, no.LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS:12. RAINBOWWWW13. Rainbowww14. Rainbow?THIS YEAR HAVE YOU:15. Made a new friend: yes.16. Laughed until You cried: LOL. it would suck if i didnt.17. Met someone who changed You: i dun think so.18. Found out who Your true friends were: uh-huh.19. Found out someone was talking about You: i didnt. i hope nobody does that.20. How many kids do you want to have: a little too early?21.Have Pets: used to. guppies!22. Do You want to change Your name: why would i? 23. What did You do for Your last birthdae:I had ncdcc training. lucky nobody knew.24. What time did You wake up today: 11am+25. What were You doing at midnight last night: hoho, went to sleep already26. Name something You CANNOT wait for: for nadd to return to singapore.27. Last time You saw Your Mother: seeing her now.28. What is one thing You wish You could change about Your life:More Freedom :D29. What are You listening to right now:One and the Same by Demi and Selena30. Have You ever talked to a person named Tom: i would love to.31. What's getting on Your nerves right now: my homework.32. Most visited webpage: Nadd's blog33. Whats Your real name: Nurul Sofia34. Nicknames:SofiaRainbowww or maybe not.35. Relationship Status: Single and available.36. Zodiac sign?: ooh, Aquarius.37. Male or female? Female, like DUH38. Elementary? Greenwood Primary School39. Middle School? Evergreen Secondary School ((:40. High school/college? Ask me again 3 years later.41.Hair colour: Black.42. Long or short: kinda long.43. What do You like about Yourself? hmm, my friendliness?44. Piercings? yeah45. Tattoos Nope.46. Righty or Lefty? Righty!47. First surgery: Never.48. First piercing: when i was a little kid.49. First best friend(s): Nadd, Nisa, Farahin :DDD50. First sport You joined: Rope Skipping. :PP51. First vacation: Malaysia.52. First pair of trainers: 53. Eating: hmm, beehoon.54. Drinking: HL Milk!55. I am about to: answer this question. 56. Listening to: One and the Same by Demi and Selena...57. Waiting on: that boy to ask me out.YOUR FUTURE :58. Want kids? oooh, yes.59. Get Married? im not sure.60. Career? Teacher!WHICH IS BETTER :61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.62.Hugs and Kisses: HUGS! 63.Taller or Shorter: oooh, im not sure.64. Older or Younger: definately younger.65. Romantic or spontaneous: none, i want Funny.66. Nice stomach or nice arms: i dont really care67. Sensitive or loud: ohh, sensitive please.68. Hook-up or relationship: relationship.69. Trouble maker or hesitant: i dont like both.70. Kissed a stranger: why would i?71. Drank hard liquor: No.72. Lost glasses/contacts: oooh, yes.73. Sex on first date: what kind of question is this?74. Broken someone's heart: oooh, i hope not.75. Been arrested: no76. Turned someone down: not a chance.DO YOU BELIEVE IN:77. Yourself: not everytime78. Miracles: yes79. Love at first sight: yes80. Heaven: Yea81. Santa Claus: umm, no.82. Angels: yesANSWER TRUTHFULLY:83. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? -no84. Did you sing today? -Yes85. Ever cheated on somebody?-No86. If You could go back in time, how far would You go? -when i was born.87. If You could pick a day from last Year and relive it, what would it be? -the day i got back my PSLE reasults.88. Are You afraid of falling in love? -who isn't?89. Posting this as? -the longest quiz yet.90. truths? -yeah.91. Love Yourself? -what, ego maniac?
@ 6/25/2009 09:16:00 PM
This is like from Nadd.SHEESH, waste my time only.Do you know that malay project hvnt finish?Yet, i still do. shame on me. :P1) What is your full name?-Nurul Sofia Binte Assahari 2) Do you like your name?-hmm. yeah, i guess.3) How long have you like the person you currently like?-hmm. from ATC. do the maths.4) Have you kiss anyone before?-the answer is the same answer to the ques 'Have ever pee?'5) Did you cry today?-Nope, big girls don't cry.6) What were you doing at 8am this morning?-LOL. still sleeping.7) What were you doing an hour ago?-watching Suci at Sensasi8) What are you currently doing now?-Answering this question.9) Who last texted you a message?-No hp. ):10) Have you told anyone i love you today?-Sadly no. ):11) Are you missing anyone now?-JYEAH! My double Ds, NADD.12) Any plans for tomorrow?-yeah, go out with nisa (((((:13) What was the reason the last time you cried?-I fought with my mum. ):14) Anyone you wanna be with right now?-yeah, my Rainbow Unicorn.15) Have you kiss anyone whose name started with an "s" ?-SofiaRainbowww. i kissed myself.16) Name someone who make you smile & why?-my Rainbow Unicorn.17) Name someone whose name start with a "z".- Zulhairi! Zebra! ZLOL!18) Which friend of yours stay near you?-awww, Lynn went to China. ): should be Khalida then. ((:19) Do you prefer to call or text?-Email. (:20) Do you prefer today or yesterday?-Tomorrow. (:21) Can you leave a day without handphone or television?-yeah. im good.22) Are you mad at anything now?-yeah, at myself for not doing my malay project.23) Do you think relationships are worth it?-yeah, destined ones. (:24) Who was the last person you visited in hospital?-My uncle. )))): i hope he's okay.25) Who was the last & second last hug from?-Justin. During ATC. TWICE.26) What does the last message in your handphone say?-Do I really have to repeat myself?27) Define life?-A rollercoaster. Full of ups and downs.28) Do you hate anyone?-Nope. Hate is a very negative feeling, very unhealthy.29) Who was th last person you called?-NISA! to confirm tomorrow's meeting (:30)Who usually send the most text messages in a month?I won't bother answering.31) Tag people to do this quiz.-Khalida! (((:-JustinRainbowwww.-CASEYYYYYYYY-alloy.-whoever is reading this.
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 6/21/2009 07:37:00 PM
JUSTIN IS MY RAINBOW HERO! :DD and Happy Father's Day! *like as if i care.
@ 6/21/2009 07:06:00 PM
i guess you guys noticed i wasnt online 3/4 of the day yeah, got in a fight with mum again uhhs GOSH, i dont what she wants. i see no point in getting in the first class. yeah, then after the fight. she was so upset with me that she forbid me to use the internet and her reason was because i have not done my homework which is like SO suck-ish.
so for most of the day, i did my hw like the good little girl i am. NOT. so my physics, chem and malay ws is done. no wait, i donno how to do some ques for chem how do draw a 'dot and cross' diagram of Fluorine oxide? GOSH, too many numbers and letters appearing at the same time.
at like around 12pm, my mum and my grandparents went to the hospital to visit my uncle. im seriously not sure, but i heard he got cancer. if it is true, then, i pray for him and his family :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and yeah, i watched TV the whole day like the good girl i am. NOT. while my brothers enjoy playing the lappy. ))))))))))))))):
anyways, back to homeworks i didnt know there was a readers digest ws! and yeah, nobody took a copy for me i guess i went out of class early cuz of the NCDCC day rehersal GOSH, how am i suppose to get the ws? and yeah, Geography?! i dont have the tb. anybody done with the project yet? i need to borrow your tb. )):
and history? GOSH. i dunno wer we are at. Malay? i hate doing powerpoint. GOSH, i hate holiday homeworks and yeah, with like 1 more week to go? i dun think i can finish it.
ok lets not talk about hw. its getting depressing uhhs. u know i watched Hannah Montana just now. haha, you know who i saw? MITCHELL MUSSO! :DD seriously, uhhs. haha, ok i didnt realise he was really funny. and it totally made my day! *after the fight with my mum and all
and then you know what? i watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and How I Met Your Mother(?) GOSH, they were all seriously FUNNYYYY. jyeah, until my mum and grandparents came back and i had to surrender the remote. GOSH, i wish i had a TV in my room. and a whole load of other EXPENSIVE stuffs i dont hv but my brother has.
did you watch channel 5 yesterday? they had this Father's Day special and there was this show called 'Angel' starring Nat Ho. ouh yeah, Nat Ho is CUTE, right? :DDD anyways, the story was like so funny at the beginning and it was like so sad at the end. )): it would have made a greater impact on me if the story was about a daughter and her mum. BUT ITS NOT. SO I DONT CARE!
uhhs, wad else to say? i think there is nothing else to say nobody is currently chatting with me. )): and STILL nobody wants to go east coast with me. ))): so yeah, buh-bye.
Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 6/19/2009 10:04:00 PM
demi and selena are like the bestest best friends ever! well, they're lucky both of them are talented and beautiful.
:DDDDDDD istiana recomended the music video to me DUHHHH, she's like a fan. more like fanatic, i say.
"there's always gonna be another mountain im always gonna wanna make it move there's always gonna be an uphill battle sometimes you just have to lose."
GOSH, these lyrics are so beautiful though i must say the singer is not excactly the PERFECT role model but nobody's perfect, right? my point stated.
ouh yeah, do you know that Kevin Jonas can play the piano? i watched the video of one of their performence in London(?) and kevin PLAYS THE PIANO! i know! SUPERR CUTEE RIGHT? i thought that he rocks guitar, but piano? GOSH, thats my Kevin. ((((: he's mine khalida. get your own Jonas brother. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

its just too bad he isnt treated like the rest of his brothersmaybe just cuz he's too old?you know what?actually he is.and yeah, he already has a girlfriend?GOSH, totally breaks my heart.OK im over it.but he's still cute!awww, Kevin. ((:he's my GUITAR HERO! haha, you think im over mitchell mussoYOU THOUGHT WRONG!though i cant find any nice pics of himhaha, im mean. well, u got to live with it, punk!yeah, its kinda weird saying that.fine, i dont do insults. i hvnt finish my homework!i dunno how to do physics uhhs.UGHH, help me with chemistry!!GOSH, how do you do this stuffs?if you gimme stuffs like the art hw,i would do it on the first day of the hols.but NOOOOOOOOOO, you have to gimme chemistry. GOSH, its so boring!i havent watch a single movie in the theater in the june holiday!nobody wans to chat nowadays.i mean, come on.wat would they be doing that is so important that they cant chat with me?HAHA, DZUL SAYS IM NOT ANNOYING!take that! to whoever says im annoying!ouh yeah, dzul just successfully become an SNCO!CONGRATS, okay? :DD i cant wait to go east coast!haha, nobody wan go with me ):i dunno who to go withi guess, i'll go there myself )))))))))))))))):
@ 6/19/2009 05:53:00 PM
Hey hey hey La la la la la la Hey hey hey La la la la la la
You come from here I come from there You rock out in your room I rock a world premiere We're more alike than anybody could ever tell
Friday we're cool Monday we're freaks Sometimes we rule Sometime we can't even speak But we can get up, let loose and lol
It may seem cliche for me to wanna say That you're not alone And you can call me uncool But it's a simple fact I've got your back
Yeah yeah yeah!
Cuz we're one and the same We're anything but ordinary One and the same I think we're almost legendary You and me, the perfect team Chasing down the dream We're one and the same
Hey hey hey La la la la la la
I'm kinda like you You're kinda like me We write the same song in a different key It's got a rhythm you and me can get along
And it may seem cliche for me to wanna say That you're not alone And you can call me uncool But it's a simple fact I've still got your back, yeah!
Cuz we're one and the same We're anything but ordinary One and the same I think we're almost legendary You and me, the perfect team Shaking up the scene We're one and the same
Cuz we're one and the same We're anything but ordinary One and the same We're something more than momentary
Cuz we're one
We're anything but ordinary You and me, the perfect team Chasing down the dream Oh, you and me, the perfect team Shaking up the scene We're one and the same
Hey hey hey La la la la la la Hey hey hey
The one and the same-Demi Lovato & Selena Golmez
@ 6/16/2009 06:15:00 PM
today was fun to the MAXX! pictures speak better than words so yeah, some of them are funny all thanks to your one and only photographer ME!
this was all taken at the playground part of the zoo the rest i'll upload it on the next post

your common nerd next door ;D
my bestfriend when i was bored
this one is cute :)


sempat uhhs.


nice effects, huh?
picture perfect moment! :)
@ 6/16/2009 05:34:00 PM
Monday: went to bowling, baby! at orchid country club(?) abang didnt have it today. he kept missing pins. oh well, maybe next time. WOOHOO, i got 2 stikes. i know uhhs, pathetic. haha, iwan got a stike. :DD COOL, rite?
you know some kids would want the things that block the 'longkangs' so that they would actually scored a few points? well, iwan wanted it too but my dad didnt let him. he wasnt to happy with it cuz w/o it he kept going in the longkang but guess what? he eventually got a strike w/o the blocky thingy. so for those lil kids who uses those things, you people are PATHETIC LOSERS. their parents are even more PATHETIC. does the real game hv those things? no. so why do you train yours kids to hv it? and until when do you wan it to be thr? GOSH, people. oh yeah, guess who i saw there? MITCHEL MUSSO! :DD haha, like real uhhs i met my primary school friend ASHIKIN! :DD gosh, i miss her too much. she's a bowler, people! yeah, managed to take a picture with her!
then we picked up mum from work and went to Sakura for dinner. i think at clementi(?)
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 6/14/2009 01:22:00 PM
another day, another post. and im still seeing the ATC Best Camper plague yes, right now. while im still currently blogging. GOSH, i would love to throw it in the fire so i would not see it in front of my eyes.
Hey! I'm screaming at you! haha, cant get that song out of my head. know why i never post yesterday? because, i was out all day with my whole family haha, bought alot of stuffs uhhs. dunno what for. ohh, i know! for fun, joy and laughter!
we went out at 5.30pm(?) went to the Diadora warehouse sale haha, stuffs are like so cheap! i bought a shoebag, shoes, shirts and a sweatshirt. i dunno why, but i love sweatshirts now! the one i just bought is brown. NICE! Diadora is a nice brand. ok, its decided! it's my favourite brand!
haha, ok after buying so many stuffs we went to giant! at ssc. oooh wait, that reminds me! we bought Koko Crunch haha, i want take and eat. ok back, currently eating it with milk and all. Yummmm. oooh, and i saw a coca-cola chupa chups while i was searching for the and i think i saw some pringles too. HAHA. want some? cannot..
after shopping at giant, went to some shop to buy some books on sale LOL, saw the sign 'Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!' guess what the book were about? the types about motivational, confidence, sales, how to be a leader. stuffs like that. yeah, no wonder they were on sale. but actually right, they were quite a number of customers uhhs the miracle of ADVERTISING!
i saw this book which was so interesting mostly because its pink and the words were sparkly purple. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD but guess what the title is, How to win friends and influence people for TEEN GIRLS haha. no wonder its pink and had purple sparkles. its kinda good, you know
hey, you know the coca-cola chupachups rite? its white seyy. i tot its black, like the drink. but its white. LOL
anywaes, i started reading when i was in the car while going home the first chapter was already so difficult Dont critisize, condemn or complain. COMPLAIN. most frequent doing. tats wad suhairi says. maybe he read the book?
then in chapter 2, they said something about the power of praise people like being praised. and when you praise someone, they feel more relaxed being around you because you're a generally nice person. then, at the end of the chapter, thrs always a reality check. they would ask you whether you hv praised somone or someone has praised you in the past week that got me thinking. have i praised anyone lately? or hv anybody bothered to praise me?
then i remembered ATC. yes, i know, i cant forget about it. before the campfire. i was getting to know everyone involved. then i think i hugged Justin, then somebody was like "Ewwwww' then gabriel was nearby, then he said 'Thats what i like about her. She gives hugs to everyone.' i felt good. gabriel was actually praising me. i didnt think of it like that before.
i hvnt finished reading the book but its like so nice. ok, its decided. i want read it now.