There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna have an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's


Laptop update! :D
Wednesday, March 02, 2011 @ 3/02/2011 07:35:00 PM

New one from Bancho the MatRep. :D
Kay, he's a funny asshole.

Panas tu!
CAMPAK TELOR, masak nyer!
Why would you throw an egg at a hot girl?

Omg. Funny or what. Okay just go watch the video.


Update wokay? From the video and changing of fonts and font sizes, you can guess I am using the laptop. I know right? Like finally. Kay, common test is over. Hmm, we'll just see the results okay? Oh, the pure physics people got their paper back today. Although it was just yesterday? Haha, don't know about the rest of the classes. But apparently Mr T finished marking all the papers. So yeah, I don't think anybody failed? Cause I heard him saying the average was 25? The total is like 40. So yeah, they did well. Hmm, just waiting for the teacher to mark my combined physics paper. Haha, two free periods of sleeping mann! Okay, enough about common test.  

PSST! Guess what?!
Mrs E is back in school!

Andd she's kicking it out like she's owns it.
 Like understand.

Kay. Anything else? I don't know. Hmm, I fell sick last weekend. So I did not study for common test on Saturday and Sunday. Which is such a waste. But nevermind about common test. It was like day time I was so sick I had to MC 3 days. So happens I fell sick on a weekends. It's a good thing because I don't get to miss any common test days. Unlike H, who was absent today. He miss his Pure Chemistry and Social Studies paper. Wow. But. He must have his reasons. So yeah. Today, I started without a voice. But, it progressively came back thoughout the day. Now, I am feeling good. Except for the weak feeling in my bones. My sore throat and nose is there but bearable. I hope it improve even more. Thank you for all the people who wish me well. :D