Can you sue your parents for malpractice?
@ 4/09/2011 09:16:00 PM
Okay.This is not an update. Apparently, I am doing a book review. Why? For fun, joy and laughter. So yeah, you can go Facebook if you don't want to read some dumb review. Peace.
It has been so long since I read a book. I didn't even know why I actually picked out a book to read. But I actually kinda enjoyed it. I promise this book has nothing got to do with vampires/ghosts/zombies/UFOs or any other out of this world stuffs. Just a typical modern American setting. And no, there is no sex or anything above PG13. Best of all, it is not that thick at all. About 3 Reader's Digest thick. (LOL. I don't really know what else to compare it to.) And the words aren't that small. I don't think it is supposed to be in a Secondary School's library. Haha, but oh well.
That is the title of the book.
I know right. Super cool. ♥
Okay, this story is about a typical American 14 year old girl (9th Grade), Lauren, who apparently thinks has no rights wherever she is. She has prolems with her family, school, relationships and friends. So, she decided to take up an elective on Law of Children and Young Children to know her rights in the country, I find the story extremely cute and funny. But I don't know about you guys because I know my taste in everything is never what everybody like. But, what the heck.
Now that's done. I want to list and comment on all the problems she thinks she has. Some can be quite irrational. Oh, and this is all from her perspective. I am just saying what I feel. So yeah.
Father - Overprotective, egoistic. I know he wants the best for the family but I thought American fathers are more lenient? Well, compare to Asian fathers, that is. But then, fathers are fathers, after all. Having 3 daughters, which father wouldn't be freaking out over every small matter? He thinks piercings are barbaric. I would too if it's more than one pair and not at the earlobe. But Lauren was just getting her first pair of earlobe piercing and even so, she has to plan months before so that her father would not suspect anything. Haha, but Lauren thinks football is barbaric and fathers. being fathers loves footballl. So yeah, they are even. Her father is the only breadwinner because he doesn't allow her mother to work. He says it is his responsibility to pay the bills and bring money home. I mean, I am sure the setting is not that backdated but his mindset is still stuck, thinking women are not suited for work and should stay at home. Yet, her father complains about the amount of money the family spends. They live in the poorer side of the richer side of town. My god, with 4 females in the house, I don't think money is ever enough. He feels that his position as the head of the house willl diminish if his wife works. This causes constant fights among the couple. You need to change your mindset and move on, mister. Oh, and he doesn't allow Melissa, oldest daughter, to go to the college of her choice. I think she wants a college out of the state but forced to follow her father's orders and go to a nearby college. And of course, she can't stay at the dorm. I think her father is worried for her safety. And I bet he will miss her too much. But you really have to think about her future. If she is interested in something, you have to support her. Or you can explain why you don't allow her and suggest some other suggestions instead of forcing her. But at least her father doesn't believe in physical punishment like what most Asian families practices. Though, lesser now.
Mother - Typical American mum. Loves her husband though the constant arguments. Due to not being allowed to work, she gets bored easily. She writes to gameshow producers and company to allow her to be in the gameshow. She got into one, although with much disproval from her husband, but did not win it. The consolation prizes were not as useful as they thought. Also, she thought of being a substitute teacher for Lauren's school. But Lauren was really against it as students there are extremely anti-substitute teachers. Hmm, though the teachers in Singapore cannot physically hit us or something, we know the invisible line that shouldn't be crossed. Maybe it's the level of respect. Or maybe we are just too lazy to do anything to the substitute teachers. LOL. Hmm. But I don't see the reason why we should hate substitue teachers. They are nicer and more lenient than most teachers. Or maybe American subs are evil. Haha, joking. Okay, I need to ask someone. Hmm, her mother sides with her daughters because she knows what it feels like to be a teenage girl. But, her power cannot overrule her husbands. So this makes her pretty useless. Though, she does gain confidence and helps her daughters behind her husband's back. Who apparently finds out after awhile. LOL. Go mum.
Melissa - The best older sister ever. Well, to me. Lauren and her love each other. Lauren always goes to her with her problems because she knows Melissa understands. She gets 'everything' from the family's beauty genes to her own bedroom. Which makes Lauren jealous, though she doesn't know what real problems Melissa is going through. She gains confidence and made her own decisions with her father's disapproval, of course. She moves in with her boyfriend, Mike, to a small appartment. Life is a struggle with both of them still in school. But her mother helps by providing money and food secretly. She is extremely caring of her sisters because she understands how helpless they are under their father.
Linda - Aspiring comedian. Unintentionally irritates Lauren with her jokes. With her parents constantly fighting, she doesn't really gets much attention. Melissa is away and the only person she is close to is Lauren. Can't really blame Linda. So sad. She does not have anybody to turn to when she is faced with pre-teen girls problems such as puberty and jealousy of friends. She constantly tells bad jokes because she is deprived of attention. She has low self-confidence because she sees her two sisters growing up into beautiful women while she is still stuck inside a child's body. I would so love a little sister. Poor Linda. Though Lauren sometimes does show her care for her little sister.
Biology class - 9th Grade and they get to disect frogs! OMG. Lauren and her best friend, ,apparently are lab partners and are terrible at disecting animals. They get into unnecessary trouble for talking in class via their Biology teacher whom Lauren thinks is unfair. I think the teacher just wants Lauren and to ace their Biology and use their class tim to the fullest. Typical teacher. But I am so against disecting frogs. Or any animal for that matter. Alive or used to be.
Caffeteria food - Lauren does complain of gross school food. I can't comment on this because I have never experienced eating in an American school before. But my school's canteen food is awesome and really, I prefer that than home food. Home food may not be an option for Lauren due to the parents arguments? But I don't think the food isn't that bad. Or is it? Okay, I got to ask somebody.
Elective Law for Young People and Children - She is the few lucky ones to get chosen to be in this elective due to its huge popularity. This seems to be the only thing she looks forward everyday to. Aspirations to be a lawyer start due to this class. I missed the career talks my school organised. Sheesh, the Malay remedial just had to be on the same day. Haha, I can't remember what I signed up for. I know it's not law. :P But it was something I was really interested in. Ohh man. Kayy nevermind, stm.
Principal/Discipline Master - Extremely unfair in handling situations. Hmm, this is common everywhere. Not just in American schools. I am lucky my school is quite fair. I know people out there are trying hard to make schools a better place for students.
School mates - Wow. Apparently students in this school are just mean. Setting off fire drills, pranking teachers and bullying others. Or is it the discipline that is not stressed? With the discipline master like that, it's not surprising that students really do not care. Is this common in America? Obviously, my school does have fights and thefts every now and then. But everybody knows punishments await them for their wrong doing. It seems that the students in the story are not punished properly and this encourages them to repeat it. In my school, with every wrongdoing, the whole population will be against him and he will feel like an outcast for a few weeks until he finally learns his lesson. I do not want to brag, but my school sounds like heaven compared to that school in the story. My God.
Best friend - Rich and beautiful. Though has divorced parents, she seems happy. Has an 11th Grade boyfriend. 14 year old girl with 16 year old boy, Secondary 2 girl with secondary 4 boy. Hmm, not really that uncommon. She and her boyfriend fixes up Lauren with guys to double date. The first fix went horrible when the boy wasn't really what Lauren expected at first. Which leads to a heartbreak and her low-self esteem. She and Lauren had a fight but they made up eventually.
Ex-boyfriend - Sex addict. Best friend's boyfriend's friend. After breaking up, he got another older girlfriend who is willing to have sex. Lauren is intelligent to stay away from him. Because this can only lead to pregnancy and STIs. Sexuality programmes not organised? Extremely dangerous or what? Hmm, I need to ask somebody.
Crush - 8th Grader! Apparently considered a sin to have a younger boyfriend. My God. A Secondary 2 girl with a secondary 1 boy.The girl will be called a freak. Which was what happened to Lauren when she went out with . Sounds familliar. Hmm, not that uncommon in Singapore. Though, you will be called a cougar. And that's that. Whyyy is it so wrong to have a younger boyfriend? But it is perfectly fine to have a younger girlfriend. My God. Mindsets needs to be changed people!
Okay, I am done. Go read it people! :D